In the last 48 hours I have been working with custom screens and ran into a few nags here and there, one of which is detailed in another post that was fixed by a reboot…
However I was successful in creating the banner that is in my sig here on the forums and then I moved on to work with another screen that I had a specific idea for…
As a result of seeing some bleed over images from one custom screen to the first I created I decided that maybe the smart thing (maybe it was really … really dumb dunno ) to do would be to work on this next screen as Custom Screen 10.
Over 1 day later I am finally finished and wen to publish it. I have been saving the screen with every change I made to it and then I finally went to “Set update/upload times to web page” selected every turned the “On” switch to On, selected every 5 minutes hit test and Nothing, Nada…
I saved my work again closed the custom screen dialog, closed “View” panel and then reopened again and each time I check the Upload “On” button is turned off and nothing gets uploaded from this screen… I even went ahead and closed WD down completely and relaunched it and still cannot set the “On” button to “On” and it stay on and this custom screen does not get uploaded.
Now, in searching the forums for related issues, I read that at one time to have 10 Custom Screens you had to buy an additional WD license, but then I read that Brian increased the custom screen option to 10 in 10.19y (I may be off on the letter for that version). But after what I have seen I am afraid I have done all this work and maybe only the first 3 custom screens are uploadable… It would just be my luck LOL
Anyway if that is the deal just let me know, if it is something that i am missing I would greatly appreciate being pointing to the right “clue X 4” that I can wap myself in the head with
just realised i had not completed all the code needed to auto upload all the 10 custom screens
so I have fixed that now in 10.20z, and hopefully improved a couple of other issues too
i also want to develop an actual slide show…instead of just straight away showing the next custom screen (have you tried that “slide show” out ? (right mouse click , then see that by scrolling all the way to the end of that right mouse selection menu), by actualy having the next screen slide along across in front of the old screen
Glad to hear it wasn’t me being completely “boffo”, and that I won’t have to redo all that work I will grab 10.20z later in the day and check it out.
Actually I haven’t tried the slide show out as what I have been using the custom screens for have been specific displays for different web sites I own and run… The banner in my sig is from the Custom slide show and then this one, below, I created to put on my Daughter’s web sites. The custom screen 10 I was working on is a potential replacement for another image on the front page of my web site :
Downloaded and installed 10.20z. Custom screen 10 uploading now, Thanks
Now have a new wrinkle… maybe two
This screen contains the following, I will call them elements…
Rain Tank
Temp gauge
(Both of the above appear in the created uploaded graphic)
It also contains:
Gust Dial
Average Dial
Direction Dial
However none of the above three appear in the created uploaded image?
Additionally there is ( was) a wind pointer that I had thought I had successfully removed but keeps popping back into the image and then disappears again, last check it was gone but… dunno
Hi Bob,
With Wdisplay there alway seems to be several ways to accomplish things. Try one of these…
Setup> Control panel> Web files/web page/etc> Webfile setup #1
tick “Produce individual dial image file”
tick “Upload these individual dial image file”
Setup> Control panel> Customise internet file creation and upload>
File #4 Dial Images
Set - File create times
Set - FTP upload times
Caution - once you turn on the “override” switch you must set all file creation and upload time
Dials can also be customized
Setup> Control panel> Units/other setting> Setup the weather dials range values
Setup> Control panel> Web files/web page/etc> Custom web page setup> Individual dial image colour
Hope this helps,
i might have missed some code to have those dials display
(as they were not originaly available past custom screen 1, but they are now)
I will have a look see and test, but I have promised to take the kids fishing too!
i see you have it working
(boat is allready to go, connected to the car, just doing a final check of emails)
but the colour of the inner part of the wind direction is not correct (i cant remember if you can set that.,…try setting it to a colour more closer to the background colour)
Ps… did I forget to mention resizing the images works great since my reboot BUT when I resize the wind direction image it just moves the outer ring and resizes it away from the center which doesn’t resize at all ? 8) I went ahead and resized it for the time being so it can be seen…
did I forget to mention resizing the images works great since my reboot BUT when I resize the wind direction image it just moves the outer ring and resizes it away from the center which doesn't resize at all ? Cool I went ahead and resized it for the time being so it can be seen...
i just see that...
just heading off fishing....
best bet is not to resize it at the moment
try reseting the setting for the width and height in the wdisplay.ini file for the custom screen #10 for the wind direction...
(i.,e delete those parts of the wdisplay.ini file)
I closed WD, accessed wdisplay.ini and removed two sets of height and width tags for direction.
No change that I can see in size when I reopened WD and accessed custom screen 10. I tried to resize and got the same result…
This is not a biggie Brian, for me. So if and when you get around to looking at it great but if that isn’t for awhile there are no problems from my end
I hope to have Custom Screen 10 as the center piece of my main web site later tonight or tomorrow, depending on work which was a bear today LOL…
Hope you caught the big one Brian, and if not just had a good time fishing with the kids
yup, caught lots of fish!
(the girsl did, only 2 rods)
this was in a little aluminium dingy with a seagull outboard, at low tide, in the channel, straight off the beach, 3 minutes drive away .
no wind
perfect conditions
lots of snapper caught, but they were all too small
but 2 good siaed gurnard caught which we kept
re this wind direction:
go, action, back up registry entry now
then email me the files, wdisplay.ini and wdisplayftp.reg
and i will see if i can fix, etc
i do have it trying to resize, but its not easy…trying to marry the 2 together for size and position…i might have to put in ability to fine tune me thinks
Just a note… I started work on Custom screen 9 last night. Today after upgrading to WD 10.21a I went in and checked resizing and such using Custom Screen 9. A short while later I noted that Custom Screen 10 which is live on the web was only showing the elements (images) that were in Custom Screen 9 and in the locations matching #9.
I opened Custom Screen 10 again and then just saved settings. On the next upload the online image was rendering properly once again… just a heads up.