This is a minor bug, I think. Last month and current month this is what happened: the first day November, the tags counted automatically 1 day of rain, when indeed there was no rain. Last 1st of December, they counted 1 day of rain again. But there was indeed a lot of rain, and so, the next day there was another day counted. This means that now I have 2 days of rain recorded when there was only 1 day of rain for this month.
it might be that its seeing the monthrain reset as a day of rain…
but it should come correct as the month progesses
///zip and email me your datafile, month122004.inf, meteobrantes
Hi, Geoff:
Besides what we both noticed, there’s another funny thing: everyday, by 0:00h, my days of rain count increases by 1 day, but some hours later it returns to the normal number of days.