Noticed in the last 2 months that Day 1 is missing from the Month to date and week GIF’s
This has happend in May and now june
Noticed in the last 2 months that Day 1 is missing from the Month to date and week GIF’s
This has happend in May and now june
I have found if WD crashes right before time of daily reset and the watch dog restarts it you may still loose a few minutes of data. For the day to roll over ok I have found WD must see a 23 59 time in the log file
Go to wdisplay/logfiles to find the files (52004lg.txt). You may have to add a data string and place the 23 59 time in it.
Like this
1 6 2004 23 59 42.0 84 37.6 30.079 2 3 85 0.000 0.000 0.000 5.320 42.0
the next data string should be the start of the next day
Its best to copy the closest time to this and then add the 23 59 this should keep your data close to correct and fix the missing daily data.
This is if your reset time is at midnight. I am not sure about the 9am reset time.
Sorry a misunderstanding the data is there but the words Day 1 is missing
See my link
Sorry for the miss understanding. I am not sure on how that could be fixed. I have had graph problems in the past like this and I went to action and used the convert WD files to Graphs, It works very well it may be worth a try.
Hope that helps, Brain might have the trick to fixing that. He has been very busy with the move to a new home.
ok, yes, this a graph data thing, and not a log file thing
i will see if i can duplicate and fix it here…