Davis Vantage Vue USB?

Hi I just purchased a Davis Vantage Vue weather station,. It does not provide a USB wire connection on the console. I noticed a link for a virtual USB PORT in the Weather Display station setup. Will this port allow me to import my weather data to my APRS client?

you will need to purchase the separate Davis Data logger (e.g USB one)

Ok Brian thank you. Will I have to use their software to export the data to
Weather Display, or will it automatically export once I chose the correct station in the Setup?

                                      Thank You, Tom N2UFM

if you don’t install weatherlink then you will need to at least install the latest silicon labs usb driver (google that)
if you do install and run weatherlink that comes with the usb data logger then make sure to set to serial mode and not usb mode (which is actually USBexpress mode)

ps when you say aprs client , how do you mean exactly?

Thanks again for you prompt customer support

               Tom, N2UFM

I run APRISISE32 which is an APRS program that posts my weather data.

how is that program set to get data from your davis station?

It reads a data file that Weather Display writes.

ah, you mean the WXNOW.TXT file ? (which I helped develop :slight_smile: )

Well thank you the great work

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