I have just bought my 1st Davis station.
The Davis side works well, but Weather Display doesn’t receive data from it.
What am I not doing right?
Make sure to not have the Davis set to USBExpress mode.
does the com port to connect to show in windows device manager, ports?
what shows in WD under view, debug info?
(especially after setting in WD : setup, advanced/misc, tick to log the raw data)
Yes, the COM port shows up in Device Manager, COM5. Verified that it disappears and reappears when unplugging and reconnecting.
Looking at the Debug info, it was trying (and failing) to connect to a TCP/IP port…
Went back into the Comm Port setup page, the Davis TCP/IP connection option was enabled! As soon as I disabled that, data now coming through.
Thank you for the advice and assistance.