I have firmware 1.90 in my davis console with virtualVP because I use 3 meteo software ( weatherdisplay, VWS and cumulusMX) but I upgrade the firmware 3.15 the software VWS don
I have firmware 1.90 in my davis console with virtualVP because I use 3 meteo software ( weatherdisplay, VWS and cumulusMX) but I upgrade the firmware 3.15 the software VWS don
the problem is with the LOOP2 I think you will find
WD should work , if VWS is not running
Then with firmware 3.15 I can not use the programs at the same time?
Another thing, I would like to connect the weatherdisplay directly to the davis console and not use virtualvp or anything. I use the weatherdisplay for my website but from the VWS I only need 2 data files and cumulusmx is only to save data i can delette this, so I would like to know if there is any way to connect the vws and the cumulusmx to the weatherdisplay program.
cumulus should still work
its VWS that is the problem
it detects the updated firmware and then requests the loop2 data, which stuff things up in virtualvp
And I knew the problem with LOOP2 when firmware 3.12 came out two years ago, but now I was waiting for a solution to update the firmware.
I’ll explain you well, my boot sequence order in startwatch is:
1st Cumulus MX
2nd VWS
3rd Weatherdisplay.
With firmware 3.15 and virtualvp cumulusmx and weatherdisplay work fine but VWS does not work.
But with firmware 3.15 and VSPE cumulusmx and VWS work fine but in this case weatherdisplay does not work.
I tried virtualvp then I tried VSPE and then I tried to use virtualvp and created virtual com ports with vspe and VWS did not work.
what was your reason to update the firmware?
On internet the people coment that I must upgrade but I don
yes, but, there is no real need to upgrade the davis console firmware, especially when its known to break virtual vp (this has been discussed on this and other forums before)
Ok, thanks, I will come back with firmware 1.90.
Hi guys.
And you did not try to use another program for virtual ports? www.serial-splitter.com I checked the possibilities of this program and found some positive points. it permits use and is routed to one physical port and several virtual ones. Maybe this option will be able to connect just three hits.
In simple terms VirtualVP acts as a traffic cop, intercepting and managing the various data requests that the wx programs are sending to the VP console, so that the console is not confused by getting multiple conflicting or duplicative requests. Serial-Splitter just passes serial data without any management function. S-S could work well with stations that send data continuously with no handshake, but is unlikely to work well with the VP which relies on two way communication with the software.
ohh now i got it :roll: . Thank you for an explanatory answer. I will continue to learn and practice.