Checking the current replacements for the DarkSky script i ran into new errors/problems.
OpenWeather → PWS_Dark_Openweather.php → 2023-09-09
The 2.5 free “AllInOne” version stopped, you will get no data with the current script
You need to change line 38 to:
$owm_version = ‘3.0’; #‘2.5’;
You need to make sure that you have a “paid” ALL-IN-ONE API-key
But you can set it to not exceed the free allowance, so the credit-card will be charge for 0 dollar. -
Will publish an updated version after some more tests
VisualCrossing PWS_Dark_Visual.php → 2023-02-15
- Old API-keys invalid after some time?
Had to use another e-mail address to get a new account and 1 free API-key
But the data is correct. No need to adept the scrip for VisualCrossing
PirateWeather PWS_Dark_Pirate.php Fatal error with PHP 8.2.16 a.o.
- Upgrade to remove error → PWS_Dashboard 2012_lts updates
Please post al ink to your website if you run into problems with these scripts.