Daily Rainfall not populating on Climate report [RESOLVED]


I’m seeing an odd discrepancy on the climatedataout.html report (screenshot attached). I’ve received 1.12" of rainfall, as shown in the total at the bottom, with rainfall on each day of the month thus far: 0.63 on 1/1, 0.10 on 1/2, 0.09 on 1/3, 0.30 on 1/4. For some reason, only the rainfall recorded on 1/3 (with the SNOW report) is recorded in the daily rain column.

Has anyone else experienced this? It seems like it could be related to the counting of rain days this month as well, as that only shows 1 in testtags.php.

You might try searching the forum for previous posts on the subject. IIRC once WD records snow the rules change for rain. I would imagine it’s difficult to code how WD reacts to rain tips when the temperature falls to near freezing. FWIW my report looks similar to yours and I have been entering snow fall amounts via the “Input daily WX” tab of WD.

Thanks for the reply. I did try some searches for this and couldn’t find anything that matched what I was seeing, but I am glad to know that you are also seeing it. As you know, I had some issues with my configuration that caused some issues with rainfall so I wanted to be sure this isn’t a lingering one.

Since the daily, monthly, and yearly totals all are consistent and match my console, I won’t be too concerned about this discrepancy, but it would be nice to see the daily rainfall there for historical purposes.

Thanks again!

After converting my January log file to data file, the daily rainfall is displaying correctly in this report now.

"after converting my January log file to data file, the daily rainfall is displaying correctly in this report now."
Did you happen to check your 122021 log file? Mine has about 80 errors in it.