Daily log csv file for extra sensors


I have a Oregon WMR-928 station with three extra wireless sensors attached. 2 x temp/humid, 1xtemp only.

Currently a monthly file called 102004extralog.csv is produced with the name of this file changing each month i.e. November will be 112004extralog.csv .

thats possible…
but, you could also create a custom log or even a customscript
which would be only 1 line of data
using the custom tags…
would that work?
(see under setup,logfile recording)

Hi Brian,

I created a custom text file and it works ok.
One problem though, how can I get things like outside temp, wind speed, baro pressure etc minus the units.

In the results shown in the customtextout file some readings come in just as a number and other come in as a number and unit like kmh etc. I have searched for another variable that I can use that does not contain the units, but cannot see any.

Homeseer doesn’t recognise the data due to the extra units being added. :frowning:

Any chance we can drop the units of the results that are coming back to be consistent.

The ones that immediately cause hassles are:




go to setup, control panel, ftp/internet setup, custom web page setup, and untick include units

Thanks Brian,

That did the trick.


Nick. :smiley:

This is an old post but it’s about exactly the same problem I’m having.
I’ve set WD to produce a customtextout.txt file to export my % solar reading to Homeseer in Setup/Logfiles/Produce a custom logfile but the customtextout.txt file produced has a % after the solar value which as Nick says prevents Homeseer from seeing the value - it just returns a “Script error in file: solar.txt: 13:Type mismatch: ‘hs.setdevicevalue’ in line 15”.
I tried Brian’s suggested fix of “go to setup, control panel, ftp/internet setup, custom web page setup, and untick include units” but it hasn’t made any difference.
My Homeseer script “solar.txt” attached

solar.txt (404 Bytes)

what custom tag are you using that needs the % removed from?

Hello Windy
This is a very old thread & from time to time I try & sort the problem I have of using Homeseer to read current solar value from a customtextout file and am currently trying again. I can work around it by getting the VBasic script in Homeseer to just read the first 2 characters and so doesn’t read the “%” but gives a value of 10% when it’s actually 100% which isn’t good.
I obviously didn’t pick up your last question back in 2008, so in answer, the custom tag I need the % removing from is %currentsolar%. I read many other parameters from WD into Homeseer with no problems as the customtextout files contains only numeric values (even including humidity which, like solar is a reading expressed as a percentage).

I think you are refering to %currentsolarpercent%
use a new .zip update to have the % not added if set to not included units

Thanks Brian - all sorted now!