CWOP Test Button

My CWOP sends each 10 minutes. My number is AR105 and I have it set to send at 5, 15, 25, etc.

With 10.37 Build 81 and earlier I could click the CWOP screen Test button and send extra. When I loaded the newer Build, maybe B280 and since including B291 the Test button has not been active, doesn’t do anything.

Should it be working?

I have Windows 7 and when I upgraded to the B280 the set up windows became inactive soon after starting. That was corrected a few Builds back. But the CWOP Test doesn’t work.

Any idea if this is my fault? CWOP shows up with my ham call K5BV.

Just noticed that I can only change Days With No Rain except immediately after starting the program.

it should run the croncwop.exe program

croncwop.exe works. Good deal and thanks

not sure what you are meaning?

Sorry. When I double click the file croncwop.exe I immediately update the CWOP WEB site. I think you suggested this.

When I “show” WD, click “Control Panel” then click “CWOP” image that opens APRS/CWOP Setup and in that window nothing happens if I click “Test”. Nothing is sent. The “Test” graphically changes color but not data is sent.

Going to the CWOP WEB page ( and reload the time doesn’t show a fresh update.

If I click the double click filename croncwop.exe I do send an immediate update.

Other features such as changing the days since last rain only work for a short while after starting WD. I can work around that. But I had no workaround to get an immediate update to CWOP.

I’m using Build 291. When I installed B280 I could not make any setting changes after WD ran a short time.

Per Ver History on WD WEB Site
1st August 2015 10.37R Build 282 update. Fix for not being able to access setup screens from control panel after a period of running time that some users had

I had this problem until B282. Now most of this problem is gone. Just not gone with CWOP Test and not gone with Days Since Rain.

Thanks for help.

is there any error under view, program event log when you click on the test button?
is auto CWOP updates working ? (just wondering why you need to be clicking on the test button anyway?)

is there any error under view, program event log when you click on the test button?

There is no message when I click the Test Button. I check, closed that window, tried the Test Button.

is auto CWOP updates working?

Yes, set for 5 minutes and works. See below where I answer why I click Test Button

I might add that when I click the button to change number of days without rain there is an error.

ERROR: Access violation at address 004D84E8 in module ‘WeatherDisplay.exe’. Read of address 31304543 System.SysUtils at time/date 16:17:20:369 08/26/2015

(just wondering why you need to be clicking on the test button anyway?)

There are times when I can’t get my WEB page update to go past PASSWORD. I’ll try (have tried) the CWOP test button just to be sure that I have Interest to the PC with WD.

Also there will be times when I see the CWOP has not updated for 30 minutes or so and I use Test to be sure I have a good server. I am a ham.

I just saw that there is a tick for Launch croncwop.exe vs FTP. Had not seen that, I just tried that and it didn’t help.

Thanks Brian.

use the latest .zip update re the test button
also re the error and setting rain days…where are you setting that?

Just had my reply nearly finished and closed browser, dumb.

Thanks Brian, the CWOP Test is OK now including immediately and after maybe 2 hours of running.

The change Days with No Rain only works after loading and sometime later stops opening the Window with the box to fill in. I get this log error clicking several times

ERROR: Access violation at address 004D84E8 in module ‘weatherdisplay.exe’. Read of address 30302D3D System.SysUtils at time/date 9:54:39:101 08/27/2015
ERROR: Access violation at address 004D84E8 in module ‘weatherdisplay.exe’. Read of address 30302D3D System.SysUtils at time/date 9:54:40:240 08/27/2015
ERROR: Access violation at address 004D84E8 in module ‘weatherdisplay.exe’. Read of address 30302D3D System.SysUtils at time/date 9:54:41:348 08/27/2015

My mouse actions are:
Right Click WD Icon in taskbar and select Show
Left Click Control Panel words or use Alt C at top of WD Window
In Control Panel Window left click Offsets & Initial Rain button and that opens window “Offsets, Limits and Rainfall Totals”
In this window I click “Set new days with no rain” button.

When WD first loaded the “Set new days with no rain” button opens a window with an empty box that may be typed in. Now, about 2 hours later, the “Set new days with no rain” button doesn’t open a window/box. It does add a line to the “Program Event Log” under View.

Rain here is again rare. When we have rain and then a new day (after midnight) sometimes the Days with No Rain remains “0” and sometimes it is “1”. I can’t tell what criteria is that toggles this but it makes sense to me to make it one when I see it has not rained since midnight after a day with rain. And then increase 1-day after midnight daily. Some times I may forget and need make the number a 2 or 3 or similar if I have not noticed it didn’t roll to one the 1st midnight after a raining day.

Wow - I’m wordy. Hope I hit the details.

Appreciate the attention.

I am not sure why you are getting that error
what weather station type?

The station is a Peet U2100, has the electronic rain gauge.

PC is Windows 7 Professional, 32 bit. I installed WD on this PC July 2011 and C:\wdisplay is in root. It is an Intel Atom.

Moved from a failed Windows XP and at that time WD seemed to need to be on the Root. Can no longer remember what the issue was except the Pen Mouse problem turned up and was cleared by disabling Pen Mouse. All in July 2011.

I ran Build 81 until June 2015, then jumped to B280. Since then I have kept it updated.

The PC is close to dedicated to WD. Most days nothing else runs on the Weather PC.

I do know that one problem with the Ultimeter station that I have improved in the latest versions is WD can get flooeded with com port data
(the Peet station keeps on sending data all the time, especially if using complete record mode)
I could improve that more by periodicly flusing the port

Appreciate the CWOP Test Button working. I have found that handy recently as a trouble shooting tool.

The issue with the Days with No Rain is of no real consequence.

Many years ago, maybe 11 years, I was having crashes after midnight and only at the last few days of the month when AVG/EXT updated. You helped me with that. I determined it was com port after midnight and got up a few times to establish that. You put in a fix to modify/stop com port activity when AVG/EXT updated. It was the same Peet U2100 and seems like forever ago. We were going to see our grandkids the end of months and it happened when we were away.

Appreciate everything you do Brian.

that makes sense, that the com port data not being read while WD busy doing the av/ext update would cause a problem
what I was thinking for ultimeter stations was a separate .exe program to read the data
this would get rid of this problem

you could test that for me :slight_smile:

Be pleased to do that if you let me know what I need to do.

before we do that, I have made a change to the latest .zip update that might help:
I have increased the com port input buffer size

so try that update

I was just going to send information when I spotted your increase in buffer size info.

I had already loaded the Full Install B293 date/time Version on 30 August 2015 - 04:03:48. Now 43 minutes later I still have access to the box to change days since rain.

It is certainly improved and I will post tomorrow morning what I find. My instinct says it is fixed but in the morning I’ll have the so called final answer.

As an old guy I’m done for the night and will look again in the morning. Appreciate the support.

The increase in Com Port buffer size did it. After 8 hours of running there is no problem opening the window to adjust the days with no rain.

I really am grateful.

that’s good :slight_smile:
hopefully that continues :slight_smile: