Working for a few days, now get this error " no valid data found aeris_fct_hrs.json"
I am using the aeris ID and secret key
Any thoughts on fixing?
Working for a few days, now get this error " no valid data found aeris_fct_hrs.json"
I am using the aeris ID and secret key
Any thoughts on fixing?
Hi John,
I checked the demo site TEST TEST Home Weather Station (ecoLcl version) and all seems OK there with the aeris forecasts.
To check your website, the URL to your dashboard site is needed.
Looks like you still have some darksky turned on. If you have moved off darksky, delete the key from easysetup.
Do not believe that is the problem. Dark Sky is changed to “Do Not Use” and the API has been deleted. It was working just fine and suddenly stopped.
Running PWS_module_test shows CURL OK but, on the next line, “empty data or wrong file permissions”. . . Above my pay grade, Wim will advise tomorrow
To get rid of the red exclamation mark status indicator, delete …/pwsWD/_my_settings/status.arr
It will be rebuilt.
Hi John,
As @bitsostring says, running the debug console . . ./pwsWD/PWS_module_test.php => button “Load files”
PWS_load_files.php (500) Aeris_hourly__: time spent: 0.0003 - CURL OK for,-71.882153?format=json&client_id=_API_SETTING_&client_secret=_API_SETTING_&filter=1hr&limit=26
PWS_load_files.php (510) Aeris_hourly__: time spent: 0.0003 - empty data or wrong file permissions for,-71.882153?format=json&client_id=_API_SETTING_&client_secret=_API_SETTING_&filter=1hr&limit=26 Old data will be used /home4/scannor1/public_html/pwsWD/jsondata/aeris_fct_hrs.jsonrnm
PWS_load_files.php (500) Aeris_dayparts: time spent: < 0.0001 - CURL OK for,-71.882153?format=json&client_id=_API_SETTING_&client_secret=_API_SETTING_&filter=daynight&limit=14
PWS_load_files.php (510) Aeris_dayparts: time spent: < 0.0001 - empty data or wrong file permissions for,-71.882153?format=json&client_id=_API_SETTING_&client_secret=_API_SETTING_&filter=daynight&limit=14 Old data will be used /home4/scannor1/public_html/pwsWD/jsondata/aeris_fct_dp.jsonrnm
PWS_load_files.php (500) Aeris_ccn_____: time spent: < 0.0001 - CURL OK for,-71.882153?format=json&client_id=_API_SETTING_&client_secret=_API_SETTING_&filter=metar&limit=1
PWS_load_files.php (510) Aeris_ccn_____: time spent: < 0.0001 - empty data or wrong file permissions for,-71.882153?format=json&client_id=_API_SETTING_&client_secret=_API_SETTING_&filter=metar&limit=1 Old data will be used /home4/scannor1/public_html/pwsWD/jsondata/aeris_ccn.jsonrnm
All Aeris data is invalid, the used files are more than 2 days old.
This happens with an invalid ID or API-key, normally it is a typing error or wrong copy/paste.
But it worked 2 days ago and there were no changes in your settings. ?
The two / three-day old data is used in your blocks if that data is still valid in the normal block.
The hourly data is not valid as it is too old.
It could be that:
Or the access to the server is blocked, see the very short time used < 0.0001:
We need the contents of the downloaded Aeris data. It could contain an error message.
I attach a test-script,
Wim (2.6 KB)
I ran the test file and there was an error - No data was retrieved (see attached copy of web page). Originally I had created two separate apps at Aeris Weather, so I tried the second secret key and got the same results - No data. went back to the original key and it started working again.
So I guess I am all set for now?
test_curl_pws.php (2).zip (1.7 KB)
Seems all OK to me,