Current month rain in 1 hour

Hi Brain
i think you are aware of this but i have -1.0mm at 08.38 09 Aug 2004 in my current month record rain in 1 hour, have had no rain so far this month
the time and date are when the august high was.
the value and time stamp appear not to of reset at month changeover
hope this is of help

i seet -1 as that will obvoiusly get surpassed when you get rain…
not sure what to do about it though…until you get rain…what do you suggest?
it would not be any good to have it as the current time/date and always changing either…
to me, -1 means obvioulsy its a record that has not been broken yet becuase there has been no rain

I have this as well…

can we not just have a zero value or null and no date or 00:01 on the first of the month before rain is measured.

yes i was expecting it to say 0.0mm 00.00 1 Sep 2004 until i get rain

which would be consistant with the max daily rainfall reading (which is correct on my machine)

ok, i will change it to say that

10.16t beta uploading now
should fix the -1 rain in the last hour