Hello, I am using the Saratoga Template set and for the life of me can’t find out why my current conditions started showing — instead of the text. I don’t recall making any changes to WD as far as what it creates and uploads. Any help Greatly Appreciated!
I accessed using both Chrome and Firefox - it loads very slowly in both of them.
I can confirm that I also see “—”. I don’t use the Saratoga template though so hopefully a user of the template will be along soon to suggest some reasons.
I too had all kinds of screwiness this morning. There is a new version of WD in the download area that seem to have cleared it up. When i came down this morning the clientraw files were a mess. I was also having a problem with my local metar, which is where i get that sky condition.
Try the new file and see if that clears it up.
I would suggest to first install the latest version of WD, released today. You are using B151 which was first released 10 Feb 2024 and last released 7 Aug 2024.