Current Conditions Not Updating

Hello, I am using the Saratoga Template set and for the life of me can’t find out why my current conditions started showing — instead of the text. I don’t recall making any changes to WD as far as what it creates and uploads. Any help Greatly Appreciated!

Using WIN 10 Pro and Weather Display 10.37S151


Your site looks ok to me, apart from it loading quite slowly. Can you do a screenshot to show what you’re seeing that’s wrong?

Thanks for the reply. For some reason it loads slow for me using Firefox. I can upload a screen shot if I can figure out how :slight_smile:

I accessed using both Chrome and Firefox - it loads very slowly in both of them.

I can confirm that I also see “—”. I don’t use the Saratoga template though so hopefully a user of the template will be along soon to suggest some reasons.

I too had all kinds of screwiness this morning. There is a new version of WD in the download area that seem to have cleared it up. When i came down this morning the clientraw files were a mess. I was also having a problem with my local metar, which is where i get that sky condition.
Try the new file and see if that clears it up.

Check the file path in the ajaxWDWx.js line 57 is correct also double check the paths in settings and settings-weather

I would suggest to first install the latest version of WD, released today. You are using B151 which was first released 10 Feb 2024 and last released 7 Aug 2024.