Creating *.html from *.txt


WD has the ability to create html files from txt files, changing them on the webserver. But if I want to do it, not on the webserver, but on the webfiles folder, what’s the best way? For example, I want to convert a waplocal.txt file in a wap.html…


ah, i would have to put in a special file conversion, with the ability to set the new filename in the webfiles folder, like for that particular file

Hi, Brian

So, when you find a little time…

Thnaks again

Lol, I forgot to say please!

You can do it with custom HTML pages.

Just use the PRE /PRE html codes.

Here’s an example of both IFRAME and imported text…

The warnings are IFRAME from the NWS and the haz outlook is a pulled text document embedded using the metar text custom tag.

Yes, thanks, I was thinking about that, and then I can convert a wx.html file to the file name I want in WD file conversion, right?

Thanks a lot
My best regards