Hi All,
N4GD here. Active in most all bands here in FL. Between Amateur Radio and Inline skating my days are busy.
73 de Dee, N4GD
Hi All,
N4GD here. Active in most all bands here in FL. Between Amateur Radio and Inline skating my days are busy.
73 de Dee, N4GD
EI2JC here…to be honest I haven’t been active for a few years…6m was my favourite band…must dust down the 756pro2
K3KO in Henderson, NC Currently WMR200A + solar.
DXing is main interest in CW, RTTY and SSB. Mostly HF but managed 6M DXCC.
This is my third weather station. First one was all HB sensors and HB logging program on a Radio Shack Color Computer. The second an AAG one wire octopus.
Wireless is much nicer than wired.
Hello All…great ham radio representation. Call is K3WKM, licensed since 1958, active on HF and local VHF repeater.
Elecraft K3 and OCF Windom do it for me…
KJ6IIW in Acton, CA. Mostly 2m/70cm
Hello all fellow Hams
From the Great State of New Hampshire
Active on all HF bands including 60 Meters
Modes: CW (my Favorite), SSB, Digital, SSTV, Digital SSTV, PDK, THROB, Olivia
2m 440 220
I own 2 Repeaters
442.000 + 100 PL Located in Londonderry, NH also linked to 147.490 Simplex
446.475 - 88.5 PL Located in Center Barnstead NH
EchoLink Look for K1DED-R
Dan (K1DED)
Hi all. Rick VE1GN, I’m not active right now but may be again in the future, who knows I was very active as a dxer and contester cw only. When I first started out I worked at VAR Saint John Coast Guard Radio but then moved over to the air traffic side of things. Talking to planes all day l didn’t feel much like being on a mike for my hobby so cw only for me. We also did the wx observing and briefing and I can’t seem to get that part out of my blood. I had a 6 element beam for 40 through 10 meters up 80 feet, Icom 756 and a legal limit amp. Oh yeah, and some friends who liked climbing towers
I sure didn’t, my knees start knocking at about 5 feet.
WB2OQQ FN30 Massapequa NY. Licensed since 1964- AMSAT member and active with our amateur satellites, QRZ page for more detail.
Currently inactive, but hey you never know…
It’s PE1NAC.
Live from Studio 1 Bravo at The Garrison, this is N2KI!
Hello all!
Catch you on the air!
Hello, i’m EA5ZF, Xavi in Spain
At this time only active in VHF and UHF, HF only used in RX, main EME antennas are down, now only small yagis os verticals.
Hi folks
This is G4HDU - Barry, located just north of Liverpool UK. Mainly operating 2m/70 cm and 40M HF.
Hello. K4KMG located in N Charleston SC and Vero Beach FL. (6 months in each) HF using my Omni 7
Hi I’m Paul, live in Hertfordshire, currently active as M6SOE (since 2010 although ex bleep B2 Radio Tele Op and B2 Signaller, been messing about with radios since 1980’ish
Kl7IFP here running old RTTY gear. Model 28 ASR and KSR. Been around hambands since late 60"s
QTH: Carroll County, TN.
Just moved from PA. Over the road truck driver and only have 2m, 70cm and 6m FM capabilities while mobile.
Work HF/UHF/VHF when at home QTH. Preferred bands: 20m (voice and PSK), 6m, occasional 40m.
Currently working only mobile and HT until can get tower raised and antennas placed at new home.
Here is VE2BYW in Qu
G’day guys, I finally took the steps to become an Amateur Radio Operator around 18 months ago.
The story is that I first got interested when I was around 16 years old back in the old CB days, and discovered a neighbour who was a Ham. Back in those days there was the morse code requirements to get a licence, and I never had the interest in learning morse, so never got any further than the interest.
A couple of years back I heard that the morse requirement was dropped, which then got me interested enough to go out and get my Foundation licence. Within the next 12 months I upgraded to my Advanced Licence (full call), so now I am VK4BLP.
As you know, I’m down in the South East corner of Queensland, which on a map is just north of the most easterly point of Australia.
Hi all - my call is G6NHK, but I’ve been inactive for at least 10 years because of work pressures etc. When I was active, I was heavily involved with packet radio, and I ran packet nodes on 70cms, 2m and 4m from my home in N Cambridgeshire.
However, I’m back on the air again now, and guess what ? I’ve just discovered APRS, which shows the GPS position of stations, and also allows for the transmission of weather information !
Yes, APRS is a bit of fun, check out aprs.fi and look up my call vk4blp-9 and you can see where I am when I’m driving around.
Still gotta lot of things to play with… currently vk4blp-5 is my weather on APRS.