Having difficulty installing the Silicon Labs CP210x files to support my datalink (serial to USB). Running Windows 10 22H2. There are a number of downloads on the Silicon Labs site. I have tried Verion 11.2 with not luck. I have read all the posts regarding CP210x. Most of my issues are around “updating” the USB Serial Device on Com3. Has anyone successfully installed this recently? On my old system it worked without a hitch - which was running Win10.
FINAL - After going through everything I followed the suggestion of one of the commenters and uninstalled WD…and then reinstalled and vola" it worked. Thanks to everyone who made suggestions.
Sometimes it’s the simple things that we (I) forget to try.
Thanks Michael. I was able to load the CP210 software. It works when I use the Davis Weatherlink software. but not Weather Display. I have removed the Davis software to be sure there is no conflict with the two programs but still no joy. Never had this problem before.
I was able to install the 11.2 Cp210. I have confirmed it works by running the Davis weatherlink, where it downloads data. I then uninstalled weatherlink to avoid any conflicts. I have set the correct comm port but still no joy. I am running Weather Display 10.37R build73. Everything ran smoothly for years until changing to new system. I AM RUNNING wINDOWSN 10PRO 22H2. Any ideas would be appreciated.