So when I updated to v 16i the “Peet 2000/2100” box became un-ticked and it took about an hour before I figured out why I had no data. To make the graph look correct I went to Setup>Graph Setup>Correct the Graph Data>Graph Adjust. I ticked “Tick ALL”. I dragged from the last good readings to the first new readings as described. I clicked “Correct” and the extra graph for viewing corrections became perfect. I clicked “Save” and then “Exit”.
Now for the bad part. the correction will not become a part of the main screen graph. Each time I return to the Setup>Graph Setup>Correct the Graph Data>Graph Adjust position the extra graph for viewing corrections looks perfect. I have saved over and over, closed and restarted W-D…no matter what the main screen graph has remained unchanged. What am I doing wrong?