If i copy WD from a PC to another PC will this also copy all the logfiles ?
Thank you
If you follow the FAQ on how to move WD, you will not lose any files. I’ve done it many times when replacing hard drives, and never lost any files.
To move your current Weather Display to a new PC, follow these steps:
Read this entire FAQ, including the notes, before starting the move!
On the old computer, from the Weather Display main screen go “Action”, “Back Up Windows Registry Entries”.
Shut down WD to close all files.
Now copy C:\wdisplay and all sub directories from the old computer to the new one [note 1].
If you are using files and/or images from other locations on the old computer, you will also need to move them to the approp…
12 April 2012 19:25
It should do, unless you have somehow changed their location.
The procedure is detailed here -
To move your current Weather Display to a new PC, follow these steps:
Read this entire FAQ, including the notes, before starting the move!
On the old computer, from the Weather Display main screen go “Action”, “Back Up Windows Registry Entries”.
Shut down WD to close all files.
Now copy C:\wdisplay and all sub directories from the old computer to the new one [note 1].
If you are using files and/or images from other locations on the old computer, you will also need to move them to the approp…
You copy the entire WeatherDisplay folder to the new machine including logfiles within.
Before starting be aware the folder can be at least 1GB and will take some time to copy however you do it.
Well 4wd and ALITTLE gave me 2 different answer !!! ???
It was the same answere, and we both posted the FAQ link to show you how to move WD. Its pretty simple to do.