Control Panel Icons do not Respond


Is the 281 Beta Debug I loaded last night going to keep asking for each Publication site download if I want to? AWEKAS, WU, PWS, Croncloud, Ect.

Should I just uncheck the always ask and everything should run normally?

Thank you again for your assistance.

Hi, yes Windows will ask for confirmation to run any new version so just untick the “always ask” box for each program when it appears and Windows will stop asking.


I’ve unchecked what you requested and so far so good after 5 hours.

that is interesting
it does look like the customclientraw update is one of the problem areas for this error


9 hours and still everything opens in Control Panel…

I am seeing WD kind of hang and say it is not responding. Then returns to normal operation.

Another question is why when you open CWOP in Publication you hover over any of the “click here to go to …” a blue circle keeps spinning next to the mouse arrow? I haven’t seen that in any of the others.

I will change those mouse hover over link for the next update


To Recap:

  • Is the Control Panel issue is being caused by the Custom Client Raw File (Steel Gauges)?

  • Is this also causing Weather Display to once and a while hang or say at the top “Weather Display - Ver 10.377R281- Not Responding” and then after a bit, return to normal operation? (Topic = WD hanging randomly)

    Thank you…

I’m at 11 days and still error free. I’ll give it to 14 days then I’ll reboot and see what happens.

Well JPMorgan, you are the lucky one. From I have followed so far has not worked. The Control panel is not responding again.


If I click on Dallas 1 wire icon, Control panel closes out. Some of the Icons on the left work and only NOAA Warnings icon works in Publications.

Well JPMorgan, you are the lucky one

actaully the majority of users actually do not have the problems reported in this (or similar) threads

note that problems with using setups from the control panel is a symptom of errors occuring in WD and increasing memory use
(a restart of WD will fix those issues)

Can I go back a few Revisions?

I’ll restart WD and in time the Control Panel acts up… Is it Windows 8.1?

its not related to W8.1 and yes you can use previous versions

I rolled back to R280.

I have made a change in a new update to build 281 that might help

since I do get the errors on my own weather pc, I have now managed to set up remote debugging, i.e so I can run WD on that pc via the compiler
so I am hoping I can track down the error this way :slight_smile:


I have the latest 281 beta installed, so if I get a lock up, I will volunteer


no need for others to volunteer re remote debugging as I get the error on my own (low spec) weather pc,
so I am running it remotely on that, through the compiler,
to hopefully narrow down where the problem is more


Back to R280. All is working fine.

I just hit 14 days with no errors on b281. I’m in the midst of doing 15 Windows updates and they I’ll reboot and see if I can stay “error free”. I won’t be upgrading to the latest 281 just yet, I’ll stick with this winner for now.