:roll: Ever since I have upgraded from WD 10.12 to 10.12n and 10.12q my web file is constantly uploading to my web site. I had the settings set and still do to only upload every 15 min. I would like to go back to that mode. Any ideas what settings I need to change??
Thanks for your help.
email me your wdisplayftp.reg file, after going action, back up registry entry now
not sure when i will be able to look at it., still shifting house. this pc is stil at the old house…
will be all shifted on monday
I sent you the file yesterday let me know if you receive it or not. I have been know to have email issues when I attach files to them. If you don’t get it I will use a different PC.
yes, i got it, but we are shifting house at the moment, and i am very very busy
i will look at it soon (once i get this pc shifted to the new house)