The station setup has the Vaisala WXT520 listed as a station choice, and having set the comm port and then chosen this station, checked the baud and also non-metric, I get Data Receive and Data Quality green boxes, but the wind speed, direction, humidty and temperature are wrong. Actually, nothing is correct.
But looking at the composite data string coming out of the Vaisala, it is apparent that there are many options to turn on or off, including max and min for almost every temperature and wind parameter.
I’m wondering if anyone has a link to or some advice on how to set up the data string coming out of the weather station. Does WD have a smart parsing front end that can scan through the various xR1, xR2, and xR5 messages to pick off what it needs, or is it looking for very structured comma delimited data strings and I just need to configure the station to send what WD wants? It seems odd that the green squares are locked in to receiving data and saying it is good data.
Thanks for any info anyone might offer.