Combined Tempest WX station and 1-wire sensor data


I would like to record data from several 1-wire sensors (extra temp sensors) along with the Tempest weather station.

Is that possible? Maybe like you did for me with the 1-wire rain gauge?

there is nothing stopping it from working as it stands now

So, do I just add the 1-wire sensors as extra temps? Edit Dallas 1-Wire Reader?

So, how do I implement it?

as long as the 1 wire reader is picking up the extra temp sensors and you have WD set to use 1 wire as well then WD should pick those extra temp readings up
(e.g use a custom tag to see that value or similar)

As I understand you, I do the following:

  1. Choose WeatherFlow as the station type
  2. enter the 1-wire extra temp sensors ONLY into dallas1wirereader.exe
  3. set custom tags for those 1-wire extra temp sensors

Where do I set WD to use 1-wire as well as the WeatherFlow?

Will dallas1wirereader.exe start up when I start WD?

you are making it more complicated that it is
you have already in the past set to use 1 wire with a weather station, yes?
then nothing changes
its the same as when using a weather flow as the weather station (just like if that weather station was davis)

I have always used the Dallas/AAG 1-wire weather station and extra temp sensors since I first started using WD.
I have zero experience with any other weather station until now…with the Tempest.

So, bear with me as I relearn WD, I guess.

When I start WD with the station type set to WeatherFlow, dallas1wirereader.exe does not start up. I assume it should in order to read the 1-wire ROMs of the extra temp sensors and 1-wire tipping rain gauge counter ROM.

If it’s too much of a hassle, I can run two instances of WD, one for the 1-Wire sensors and one for the Tempest.

No big deal.

make sure you have set in the 1 wire setup in the com port setup to use 1 wire as well
post a screen shot of that setup

Com 12 is used for the 1-wire adapter.

You need to instead set to use
1 wire with your station
In the comport setup

As you cant select 2 different station types
In the weather station type setup

Ok. I might have liftoff here.

Being an ancient user of WD, I assumed that anything pulling data from 1-wire devices would need to use dallas1wirereader.exe.

You have either eliminated the need to use that .exe with your newest version of WD or incorporated the code into it.

Whatever you’ve done, it seems my problem is solved and my education advanced.

Thanks Brian

it still uses that
(or the hobby boards reader program if you have set to use that)
so that program should still be running

dallas1wirereader.exe doesn’t start up when I start WD. The only other EXE that starts is cronweatherflow.exe

do you have set to use 1 wire with your station in the 1 wire setup in the com port setup

Aha! Got it and I’m in business. Thank you, Brian!

but that I what I have been saying to do for a few posts now :wink:

#-o Surely you don’t expect me to be able to read AND run a weather station, do you??? :lol: