Com Port Error on program start, even when serial cable is not connected

Using a WMR-968 weather station on Windows XP-64 Professional, 4 Gigs RAM, Dual core AMD processor, Weather Display version 10.37P build 13
Program booted up the first time and showed some erroneous stats. Tried to reboot and got a com port error message on the top of the program screen. Continued to get this com port error upon opening the program, even when com port cable was not connected to the computer. I had this installed for more than the trial period when I registered it. Any suggestions? Should I try removing the program entirely and then reinstalling it? If so what about the registration number, can I use the one provided, or get a new one?

try this - comm port error fix

My problem seems to be in the program its self, as it comes up com port error, even when the data cable is disconnected from the computer, so something is making it sense com port trouble outside the WMR-968 console, and or the connection?

What exactly does it say across the top of the main wd window?

sounds like you have the wrong com port number selected (i.e on that is in use or does not exist)
try selecting a different one

If the WMR-968 is not connected to the computer you may get a com port error unless the stationless weather station is selected under Control Panel, Station Type.