I am Andrea Perino and today I have payed a WDL License.
The number is not recognized and, in the web, is displayed:
Serial number error…
I have substitute the evaluation and in the name i have written, Your Name, Andrea,…
I am Andrea Perino and today I have payed a WDL License.
The number is not recognized and, in the web, is displayed:
Serial number error...
I have substitute the evaluation and in the name i have written, Your Name, Andrea,
ok, i can view it, but it still says evaluation
the url to send to Julican, to get a new serial number, which you then put in the xml file in the serial registration portion, I would think would need to be
did you do that?
also, the black background makes it hard to read the numbers
The Your Name part of the config file is not important. The serial number should be correct for - can you put it back into the config file so I can have a look at it failing?
You just need to make sure that you link to WDL with the domain you registered. If you click on it works for me (albeit a little challenging to read with your background image! ).
No mine doesn’t but a friend saw this and it convinced him he needed a Weather Station and this LIVE program. Good job Julian. He unfortunately is on another cable company that rotates his ipaddress nightly. So how would one use this in that instance? He specifically stated he DID NOT want to use one of those NoIP services so that’s why i’m asking.
That’s a bit of a problem. How does he connect to his website? It must be a real pain having to connect with a different IP address every day. Wouldn’t it be better to use someone like dyndns? I use them (even though my IP rarely changes) and it works well.