Cloud Base Script V2.0 Question

Greetings all !

I have been wanting to implement this script into my site for quite sometime but until just recently I haven’t had the time to accomplish that.
I have a quick question on insertion of the image. I would like for the image to appear between the Radar and Infrared satellite images on the wxindex.php page…but I am unable to get it where I want it .

For reference the site is here

Any ideas would be greatly appreciated! Thus far I have tried the image source include method but I am open for better ways of course!



Not sure if you want to, But Scott has an option to include that in his alternative dashboard. You would have to update your whole dashboard if you wanted to use that.

That sounds interesting??
What is involved in the replacement? Is it basically a PNP replacement or will I need to make sure what I need to reconfigure??



You will have to change a few other files also. I belive Scott has instructions and maybe a link on his site to the files you will need to replace. If you run into problems, there a lot of us here running that script.

Here’s another link that will help you change over also…

Thanks for the ideas!! Let me run this “bright idea” by you :smiley:
I have just about decided to replace the UV section on my current dashboard with the Cloud Base image if that can be done.
I already have a separate UV page in detail on the site so after I got to checking I found the duplication and decided that would be a suitable place for the cloud base to go if possible.

I have been dabbling with the changes in the js code but have not been able to get the results I want. Does this sound feasible??



I think the problem your going to run into is that the spacing needed for the cloudbase is a lot bigger than your UV section. If you do that, It’s going to push everything else around in your dashboard. It would fit better in the Moon section, if you wanted to do that.

You’re right! I hadn’t checked the required vs available space DUH!
I have astronomy elsewhere as well so the moon section would work fine.
I’ll see if I can work with finding that in the files a bit easier…

Thank You!


Still not able to have image display in either the “Moon” location or in the “Outlook” location.
Any short cuts or ideas appreciated.


Problem Solved

With Ken True’s help and help from others here I think this problem has been taken care of.
Turns out I was on the right track as to what needed changing but just didn’t change enough of the code to do the trick

Thanks to everyone for the help and ideas!
