Cli cannot find clientraw.txt

I am seeing up a station for a community on a island just off my coast line. I downloaded the console 64 version for Linux.

I set it up and did the config etc. But it runs and says it cannot find clientraw.txt to upload

Starting cronftpreal
updating records to ini file
FTP Real vers 2.2
Time between upload  30 seconds
Client raw remote name  clientraw.txt
Port to use 21
FTP to 
login OK to 
changing to /webspace/httpdocs/
Could not find the file clientraw.txt

I realise the ecowitt data is wrong as there is no station yet attached, waiting on Ecowitt to post.

I followed the readme.txt and run it as. ./consolewd
I do have another WD running on the same pc with no issues
The additional files are created on.

-rw-r--r-- 1 inishturk inishturk 2722 Dec 27 12:51 clientrawextra.txt
-rw-r--r-- 1 inishturk inishturk 2476 Dec 27 12:51 clientrawhour.txt

I am at a loss now

I see clientrawEXTRA.txt and clientrawHOUR.txt but not plain clientraw.txt in what you posted. Are those two files FTPing OK?

You may want to post the applicable portions of config.txt

Yeah they go up ok. I will grab the config and post the non secure bits

On the same PC I have the Linux GUI version running for another local station. When I start the consolewd, the cronftpreal on the GUI stops working.

Weather station type=106
Weatherflow station ID=27100
meteobridge username=---
meteobridge IP=
meteobridge password=---
Comport number (e.g 1)=U
Comport custom=
Revb Davis VP=Y
Davis rain gauge=2
Davis com method=2
Davis timeout=0
OWW file location=---
Davis VP IP port=22222
Rainwise ip=
Davis VP IP address=
Davis WLL IP=
GW1000 IP address=
wh1080 read delay=50
Station id=InishTurk
Start up daily rain(mm)=
Start up monthly rain(mm)=
Start up yearly rain(mm)=
Do wunderground=N
WU realtime=N
Wunderground username=
Wunderground password=
Wunderground timezone=
Direction offset (whole degrees)=0
Barometer offset(hpa)=0
Do metar=N
Metar name=
Do metar hum=N
Do mysql=N
Mysql username=
Mysql password=
Mysql server=
Mysql databasename=
Mysql tablename=
Mysql metric=Y
Mysql time=300
Do CWOP updates=N
CWOP station id=
CWOP ham call sign=-1
CWOP Latitude=
CWOP Longitude=
wmr200 data read delay=
Do clientraw FTP=Y
FTP server=
FTP username=
FTP password=
FTP port=21
FTP remote dir=/webspace/httpdocs/
FTP use curl=N
FTP use passive=Y
FTP time interval=30
FTP use curlssh=N
FTP the custom file=N
Save logfile=Y
Logfile metric=Y
Create custom file=N
Use this filename instead of wx.html=
Use this filename instead of wx2.html=testtags.php
Use this filename instead of wx3.html=
Use this filename instead of wx4.html=
Use this filename instead of wx5.html=
Temp in celsius=Y
Wind in=kph
Baro in metric=Y
Rain in metric=Y
run cron files=Y
do custom log=N
custom log out=customlogout.txt
temp offset=
hum offset=
wmr300 channel number=1
Rain Offset=0.0
Modified rain gauge=
update WOW=N
WOW id=
WOW pass=
update PWS=N
PWS id=
PWS pass=
Do windycom=N
windycom station #=1
windycom API key=
create wxnow.txt=N
update windfinder=N
windfinder id=
windfinder pass=
update meteotemplate=N
Do weathercloud=N
weathercloud ID=
weathercloud KEY=
Send Email=N
Send hour=6
Email minute=10
Email server=
Email user=
Email pass=
Email sendto=
Email from=
Send Email hour=N DID= API= USR= PASS=
Ecowitt API Key=
Ecowitt application Key=
Ecowitt MAC Address=---
Ambient API Key=
Wunderground API Key=
Wunderground API StationID=
Wunderground API updaterate=300
Wunderground API use time=N
Use Davis Air=N
Davis Air IP=
Use Weatheruser=N
WeatherWizz username=
WeatherWizz password=

I assume all 3 source files are in the same directory on the source.

Station id=Rocklwdge Weather
Start up daily rain(mm)=
Start up monthly rain(mm)=
Start up yearly rain(mm)=

I do not see “clientrawlocation=” in your file. Mine is empty, but yours looks missing. Perhaps there is some logic failing when it does not find the line for the 1st file (assumed clientraw.txt).

Yeah the clientrawlocation I removed in case it was that. I put it back and still no joy

Well crap! I was hoping it was that simple.

I think that is why I took it out. I think that is the remote location of the clientraw.txt file. I am about to make a Pi spare so will try that