I have just moved, taken the plunge and gone from my Oregon WM918 of old to a shiny new VP2, and am gradually rebuilding my website to reflect the relocation 400 miles north.
Part of this process is to dump all my old data from WD and start again - history, records (I have reset them individually, but the data files still show the hi/lo figures) etc - it’s all still to be available under a different URL (remains as www.oxfordweather.co.uk), whilst the new stuff will come under my new URL (www.polmontweather.co.uk).
Is there a quick and clean way of doing this? I’d like to have it all done so that at 00:01 on 1st March I can start afresh with no history, and begin building again…
As an aside, the new URL is using dyndns to try to save reregistering everytime the ADSL allocates a new IP address, so any comments appreciated - before the emails arrive, I know it’s not working yet (18 Feb), my Linksys ADSL modem apparently won’t allow a server behind it, so off to the shops for a new modem next week! In the meantime, try www.falkirkweather.co.uk!
Hi Bob,
Thanks for the message! I was hoping I could be slightly less destructive, in that I’d quite like to keep the configuration as I have it now, with the colours, graph setups and so on remaining. What I’d like to do is to reset all the data, clear all history, records etc, and start again on that side of things, but keep the pgrogram settings intact. Any other ideas?
Thanks, Steve.
Perhaps we can help you get the LinkSys setup to work with your configuration. It’s possible someone here has a similar setup and could help get your setup working without purchasing a new modem. If you give us some details of your setup and what is or isn’t working we may be able to figure something out.
You could also try a Google to see if someone already has a solution. I have a DirecWay satellite modem which requires a different setup of a LinkSys wireless router. I just did a search with DirecWay and LinkSys and found a step by step method that worked perfectly. May save some, time, money and hassle.
Thanks for the info guys. I managed to delete everything from WD in the end - clearing all in the setup pages doesn’t work correctly - it still left some record values from 2004, and some spurious rain data, but deleting those items individually, and then deleting all the old webfiels seems to have done the trick. I’ll leave it for a few more days, and try to hit a reset at 00:01 on 1st March, to start afresh from there.
As far as the Linksys goes, I gave up and bought an all in one router / modem / access point. I’d been on another forum regarding Linksys support, and also on live support with Linksys, who basically said it couldn’t be done! By all accounts, that’s not quite true, but I was using the ADSL2MUE with the WRT54G router, and in its standard form, the modem does not allow incoming server requests (and this is not user configurable). I got hold of some BETA firmware for the modem from Linksys in Australia (Linksys Europe deny all knowledge), which allows port forwarding, and for a while it looked hopeful, but in the end, I just could not get and hold a sensible connection which allowed me to serve from behind the router. Still, the new WAP354G did exactly what I wanted it to, almost straight out of the box, and apart from its much worse wireless performance than the WRT54G, it’s been up and running for a few days now, so hopefully that’s the end of that. I guess eBay will see the old modem router combination very soon…