Clean Install

How do I do a clean install? The data that I have so far was lost when I did a version upgrade and since some of the displays, such as high and low temperature for today and yesterday were incorrect anyway, I want to start over from scratch.

I uninstalled the program via the control panel, deleted c:/wdisplay, wdisplay.ini and its backup and then reinstalled. To my surprise some of my old settings were still there, particularly those associated with metar data. I had been running in stationless mode thanks to a catastrophic failure of my WMR968.

So I deleted everything again and reinstalled. This time I have yet to set up anything yet I am receiving data from who knows where although wherever it is it’s warm (high 80’s).

I have used the search function trying to discover a procedure I can follow but have met with no success.

Help would be appreciated.

best way:
install wd to a new directory
then create a file their called 2wd.txt, i.e save a file with notepad.exe called 2wd, and notepad.exe will add the .txt on the end
then start wd up there…
it should start up like brand new, no settings no data

(i think we need a FAQ on this :slight_smile:

There is one…but with a slightly different title

This procedure worked well for me but I still have a question which is how do you remove all remnants of the initial or a previous installation?

for the other remanent, delete the file wdisplay.ini from c:\windows or c:\winnt
and also run regedit.exe, and then search for wdisplayftp.ini and delete that (you will now have wdislay2.ini and wdisplayftp2.ini (in c:\windows or c:\winnt and in the registry , respectively)
also versions past 10.29x are using a bit less cpu, so thats good :slight_smile: