Chrome unable to connect to forum

A timeout occurred Error code 524

Same computer, using Safari, no problem. Only fails with Chrome.

I can access the forum without problems using Chrome on Windows and Android. A 524 error is when Cloudflare couldn’t get a response from the server (forum in this case) for over 100 seconds which is a fair delay. Has anyone else seen this problem today/recently?

I didn’t get the timeout but it took well over a minute in Chrome. I was already logged in on Edge, seems OK.

J’ai rencontré ce souci deux fois cette semaine.

I’m seeing a problem with the translator in the logs. Discourse seems to hang waiting for the translator to respond for 60+ seconds. I think this would probably affect individual user sessions, so accessing from a different browser would probably still work OK.

I’ve already reported an issue with the translator and I’m waiting for someone to look at it.

Probably unconnected with what you are seeing, but once logged in the translator worked instantly for Serge’s post :wink:

It seems to be intermittent. The timeout errors occur a number of times each day but not predictably as far as I can see so far.

I am also having a problem connecting to the forum using Edge on my Windows 11 PC.

Also getting the warning messages after each Wxsim forecasts about Wxsimate model data.

I had multiple problems connecting late morning - either blank screen, or the just the loading dots. Seems to be working fine now though.

I get these errors so often in WXSIM that I had to give up using it

I don’t know if the forum issues and the WxSimate issues are related. WxSimate may also be seeing 524 errors but it doesn’t report them that way if it does.

I’m puzzled why at least two people have a lot of WxSimate errors when others, including me, don’t seem to have many/any. In my own case I don’t recall seeing similar error messages and my WxSim system access the data in exactly the same way as everyone else does. I have no secret back door into the system for WxSimate.

Could it be related to the OS that WxSimate is running on, or AV/firewall settings, or router settings? It feels like it must be something like that because the rest of the system is being used by many people every day who don’t seem to be seeing similar errors.

I’ve not given up on this. I’m still trying to think of reasons why this may be happening, but I’m out of ideas at the moment.

Having said I had no ideas, I just tried an experiment which gave me WxSimate errors. I think what I did would also have affected forum access but I was testing WxSimate at the time so I didn’t check.

Having said that, whilst I saw errors I don’t understand:

  1. Why the effect I caused would happen so regularly
  2. Why it seems to affect some people a lot more than others
  3. How to fix it, but I at least have a direction to research now

It’s also possible that I created another reason for the errors to occur and any fix for this won’t solve the underlying issue.

I’ll keep you posted with any updates.

Edit: The test I did was only temporary so things are back to the usual configuration now.

Chrome, Edge, Firefox tested ok here.


From your post, I get this feeling that I am one of those “at least two people” you mentioned. : grinning:

The good news is that everything seems to be working fine this morning, (WXSIMATE and getting into the forum using EDGE on Windows 11) so far.

That being said, there have been long periods of time (Months ) that I don’t encounter issues with either one, but for some reason this summer I seem to be prone for them.

I included those screen shots to prove that I am not crazy! (well not pertaining to this anyway!)

I have checked with my security provider, and they say that the data for WXSIM/WXSIMATE downloads are not being blocked.
I am currently using WXSIMATE Version 9.2

I can understand the messages about GFS and ECMWF being old, but I am puzzled about the one mentioning “” by name. and “try another selection”.

I will continue to monitor my forecasts to see if I get any further messages and or warnings.


So, after a few forecasts that ran fine, I got one at 2PM that had the following message.

My 4PM forecast just ran, and it was just fine, with no messages. It seems to me that one of the addresses that WXSIMATE is searching for is intermittently not functioning?
Maybe a NOAA issue or a bad address?

That does look like a NOAA website error so, fortunately for me, not related to my server :slightly_smiling_face:

So, if I understand it, this would be a NOAA address out of several other addresses that WXSIMATE seeks for the URL Target, and this would be (in this case) an intermittent issue either originating from the NOAA website or perhaps part of the function process by WXSIMATE in trying to obtain the data but being unsuccessful in retrieving it? (maybe a timeout issue?)

If the latter, only Tom would be able to resolve that issue.

WxSimate can download a variety of data sets from different websites. The image is too small to see in my phone screen, but it does look like it’s one of the NOAA data sets that failed to download correctly for you. It’s difficult to know why it failed. It could be a NOAA issue, or a temporary glitch on you internet service or a fault in WxSimate, although the latter seems unlikely as there don’t seem to be many people reporting something similar.

I rechecked my WXSIMATE settings to find that all the source addresses look to be correct.
I have WXSIMATE under customization tab set at unchecked for " Download GFS/ECMWF only if new data" ??? I hope that is the correct choice.

I don’t know if there is a second (better) NOAA option for the target URL, as there are for the other source addresses in WXSIMATE

That would be a Tom issue anyway, so at this point, I will just ride with it as it is and hope that the issue will eventually clear up on its own.


Oh ! almost forgot, this morning’s “new” message was (attached)