At the moment the Chatter board says that it’s for “Chat about Weather Display, i.e. anything that doesn’t fit elsewhere!”
The forum has expanded since that was written and limiting it to just chatter about “Weather Display” probably isn’t appropriate any longer. However, I know that some people will have different ideas about what should/shouldn’t be talked about in here, so I thought it would be useful to have a poll to see what you all thought.
The options are:
Only weather related chat will be allowed. Anything else will be deleted. So, for example, the Hurricane Bar would have it’s drinks licence revoked. This means extra work for me to police things!
Mainly weather related chat will be allowed. This would be even more difficult to manage…how much is too much? What is straying too far off the subject?
Anything goes (apart from politics). This is pretty much as we have it now, but some users don’t like to see non-weather related stuff on a weather forum/web-site.
Set up a new board for weather-only chatter and keep the current one for all other chatter (but no politics!) This will allow people who only want to talk about the weather to do so and let others who want a little light-hearted international banter to carry on doing that.
And don’t forget…however you vote…no politics is allowed Actually, it’s not that I’m anti-politics, it’s just that politics (and other topics such as religion) often bring out people with very polarised views who will argue till the cows come home (that’s one for windy!) that they’re right. I want this to be a friendly forum with people talking to and helping each other (which I feel it is at the moment), so I want to avoid contentious topics like those. If you want to discuss the latest contraversial theories, such as snow being formed by space pixies dropping ripped up newspapers onto us, that’s definitely allowed in Chatter, coz it’s weather related
I like the chatter board - we can discuss things other than WD there.
Some topics that are about general computer items like Zone Alarm etc are good for all of us.
The way it is set up now it is pretty easy to locate a topic that interests you.
I feel you have plenty of forum headers other than “Chatter” where specific WD topics can be posted.
nah - just weather will do me fine thanks - that’s all i came here for - i can ignore everything else
just out of curiosity, does the forum have an “ignore board” type function to hide anything that you don’t want to see - I have seen it elsewhere and has come in really handy so that you only see messages you want to see?
I just voted for 3. The reason is that we have all gathered together here because of our interest in weather and Weather Display. In doing so, by helping each other with problems, discussing weather toys, etc we have developed a world-wide network of friends. The chatter board gives us an opportunity to have fun discussing non weather topics like “Should beer be served cold?” and getting kind of nutty. Keep it the way it is. We have been doing a pretty good job of self moderating it and it will save Chris a lot of extra work. :coffee2: :occasion5:
so really then all that Chris needs to do is reword the Chatter board description to remove the Weather Display reference, and we continue as we do now.
Although I cannot say I have developed a word wide network of “friends” from using this forum though. Just made acquaintances with fellow weather enthusiasts that is all.
i think its “net freinds” …not a true freind in the real world,but often when you actualy meet a net friend you might find you get along OK< but then you might not!