Changeinday tag

Hi Brian,

Tis may have started on Sunday, when we changed to Daylight Savings Time, but I just noticed it this morning my changeinday tag seems to not know about the hour time shift. Computer time is correct.

$changeinday% = ‘-00:57:12’; // change in day length since yesterday

Win 7, b40

When you get a chance, could you have a look?


Hi, having a few problems here as well with that tag see here only just started.

FWIW, %changeinday% is correct this morning.

%changeinday% = ‘00:02:48’; // change in day length since yesterday


I have now updated to latest version B44, & all seems fine now. I did not look at the update page, I just looked at the top this page, & it showing latest version b42, it has not been updated.


it would have been the daylight saving change and so you just need to wait a day

Thanks for that.

