Change Daily Lowe Temp [Resolved]


For reasons not worth getting into, I had to restore the log file.

Everything came back. However, since WD had not closed properly, the Wdisplay.ini file had the low from a few days prior

HOW do I change it back to what it should be?

I tried editing the Wdisplay.ini file However, when I restart WD the value from a few days ago shows up!!


reset daily hi lows


Thanks… from experience doesn’t that set the hi/low to what they are NOW vs. when they actually occurred

So if I already hit the low/high for the day and pressed that it would set the low/high for right then wouldn’t it?

I read a thread about correcting via the average/extreme records noaa style report - button for correct data" but can’t seem to figure out how to do that

Also the day has passed now after midnight. Anything I can do now? I’m thinking not?

Finally how come editing Wdisplay.ini not work?

You can enter those values too


This screen shot is what I just took. It appears to show the correct temp for yesterday. However, WD was showing the wrong one (20 degree difference)

So do I need to correct it? If so where? Again I tried from what I read on the other thread and didn’t seem to work


its a different thing to now to correct yesterday max temp in the av/ext

correct the values in the logfile for that period and then convert the logfile to data file

Thanks… Did that just now

At least now I know how to make changes :slight_smile:

So from the screen shot I sent, looks like from the NOAA report the 15th of May did record the proper low - despite WD showing different. Did you see that?

The reason I’m doing this is that a few days prior we had a cold front come through and the low was in fact 47. But when this happened the true low on the 15th was 67. If it was only a few
degrees off I wouldn’t care, but 20 degrees is a lot. I didn’t want all the stats and all times etc to be off

Thanks again

NO Clue what happened… Since Comcast never really called me back (i just getting bounced around from dept to dept)

But the website started working again… WOO HOO


Odd thing… .WD is chugging along fine. The daily low and high didn’t reset though. They still show yesterdays values.

I tried to do what you suggested: Action/Reset daily hi lows – but I don’t see where that exists. Here is a screen shot from when I click on “action”

What am I missing

Screen Shot 2015-05-24 at 9.19.52 AM.png

Hey brian

When you have a second - no rush.

Was hoping you could see my prior comment/screen shot

I do see where I can change the daily hi/low time but NOT the value itself. I’m sure its there, I just couldn’t see it. I looked under
Action/Reset daily…
