I’ve been using the Carter Lake templates on my site since dirt was invented. For the first time in a very long time, I need to generate an additional web page for a new feature.
WD is generating the page as I see it coming up in the file list in the webfiles folder on the PC. But I’ve not been able to get that page to upload to the web server.
The local file is “wxlocal16.html.” The resulting file is “wx16.html.”
–In WD I go to Control Panel>Internet File Creation and Uploads.
–On Setup Page 2, I go to File #26 and set the thumbwheel for “wxlocal16.html.”
–I click Set.
–Then I click Show file create times and select Update every 5 mins, then Create this file now.
–Then I click Show file upload times, and select Update every 5 mins.
–I set the remote file name “wx16.html,” and the enter remote directory. Then I click Upload this file now.
–I turn on Use these settings.
–Then I click “OK” to save the settings.
But the “wx16.html” file never gets uploaded to the web server. It’s been literally years since I’ve needed to do this, so maybe I’m missing something somewhere?
Any help would be appreciated. Thanks…
There is a file wxlocal16.html on your server, is that the one you need?
Also as your website is HTTPS the google ad2 scripts and the statcounter are not loaded as they have a HTTP link in the html
Explanation in a Chrome browser:
Even though the initial HTML page is loaded over a secure HTTPS connection, some resources like images, stylesheets or scripts are being accessed over an insecure HTTP connection. Usage of insecure resources is restricted to strengthen the security of your entire site.
To resolve this issue, load all resources over a secure HTTPS connection.
Name |
Restriction Status |
show_ads.js |
blocked |
counter_xhtml.js |
blocked |
Mixed Content: The page at 'https://njvoorheesweather.com/wxlocal16.html' was loaded over HTTPS, but requested an insecure script
'http://pagead2.googlesyndication.com/pagead/show_ads.js'. This request has been blocked; the content must be served over HTTPS.
Mixed Content: The page at 'https://njvoorheesweather.com/wxlocal16.html' was loaded over HTTPS, but requested an insecure script
'http://www.statcounter.com/counter/counter_xhtml.js'. This request has been blocked; the content must be served over HTTPS.
Mixed Content: The page at 'https://njvoorheesweather.com/wxlocal16.html' was loaded over HTTPS, but requested an insecure script
'http://pagead2.googlesyndication.com/pagead/show_ads.js'. This request has been blocked; the content must be served over HTTPS.
Thanks for the reply. I’m not concerned about the Google ads and Statcounter issues at the moment. That issue is prevalent through the site and needs to be cleaned up, which will happen eventually. At 64 I still work a 60-hour week, so my hobbies get worked on when possible.
Right now, my concern is that the page I need uploaded won’t upload. “Wxlocal16.html” is the local page that WD uses to create “wx16.html.” Yes, all the “wxlocalXX.html” pages are on the web server as well so I have an off-site copy of them if the on-site WD pc craps out. It’s saved my bacon a couple of times since 2007. I also backup locally to a NAS unit.
The IMMEDIATE issue is that while WD is creating “wx16.html,” the software is not uploading that file to the web server even though it’s uploading all the other “wxXX.html” pages. I’ve tried to set up the upload procedure the same as the rest of the pages, but it’s not working, and in the limited time I have to work on it, I’m unable to figure out why.
In the interim, the only thing I can think of doing is to have a separate FTP program upload the file to the site using a scheduled task, but that’s a kludge I’d rather not get into. With my work schedule, it may become permanent, and I really don’t want that complication.
Any futher help would be appreciated…
when you clicked the upload now button did the ftp icon show in the task bar and what did the ftplogfull.txt show
You can ask WD to do that, if WD actually creates wx16.html from wxlocal16.html in webfiles. Go to Control Panel > FTP & Connections > General FTP Functions.
I finally got it working. Really it was hcorrin’s question about what the FTP log showed when WD attempted to do the upload that hit me with the thought. H/T to him!
My assumption was then you clicked Show file upload times and entered the remote file name, the thumbwheel next to the remote file name field would take care of adding the number to the file name. Otherwise, why would the thumbwheel be there?
Of course, that’s not the case at all. You have to enter the complete file name as you want it to be when the file gets uploaded. You also need to add the extension. So I had entered “wx” as the remote file name, again figuring that by setting the thumbwheel to “16” it would create “wx16.html.” Therefore, as shown in the FTP log, WD WAS uploading the file, but it was named simply “wx” with no number or extension. If I opened the file in a browser, the web page showed up fine.
Upon entering the entire file name as I wished it to be uploaded, with the extension, "wx16.html, " it began to work.
I do love WD, but sometimes it drives me bananas, especially when you don’t do something for a few years and have to relearn it all over again. Now to figure out how to get the forecast line not to show up as part of FreshWDL, which this new page will be showing once the link is added to the pages. Something to do with “clientrawextra.txt,” but my system doesn’t create a forecast.
Thanks for all the help, gang…
The forecast you reference is created by WD itself and an integrated part of FreshWDL not sure you can make it disappear
OK, thanks. I’ll shoot Brain an email to see if it can be suppressed somehow. It’s just not very accurate and seems to always say, “increasing clouds with little temp change, precipitation possible within 24 to 48 hrs” no matter what the actual weather is predicted to be.
Yes, clientrawextra.txt #531 is described as “Davis VP forecast text” in clientrawdescription.txt, but “Weather Display (or Davis) forecast” in a couple of well-known parsers. . .
Question: does the Vantage Vue provide one?
Mine is certainly “- - -”, and FreshWDL suppresses that.
No, the Vue (my station console) does not provide a forecast. Only current readings. But I’ve seen that wording language used on Davis VP consoles and some websites that use VP data. I’m not all that sure it’s created by WD. I have seen FreshWDL instances without the text, so I’m sure it’s possible to suppress. Just have to find the right checkbox somewhere deep in the bowels of WD.
I wonder if WD’s Davis settings are “global,” or if the system can tell the difference between a Vue and a VP? More stuff to check. I’m rapidly running out of vacation time though, so I gotta find out quickly. Divin’ deep…
If it doesn’t change, I wonder if it is stored in wdisplay.ini (no, I’ve just checked) or wdisplayftp.reg, where my line 795 is
“use forecast for VP forecast”=“no”
Do you have “yes”?
I did find this though.
I had it set to use the weather station’s forecast (top box) to designate the main screen icon picture as I once had a OS WMR968 many moon ago. I wonder if it’s possible that it was coming from that. Maybe it was assuming I had a VP?
I changed it to take the METAR info instead. Let’s see if that changes things…
Sorry for the delay. I’ve been away a bit. Back now, and while I was gone, Brian added a checkbox on the Davis Station Settings page for “it’s a Vue.” Setting that checkbox will keep the forecast from showing up on FreshWDL. It works great.
Not sure how he handles making the newly updated “weatherdisplay.exe” file available, though it may be up on the download page already (page lists version as of mid-late May). I only contacted him last evening to tell him it worked.
In any case, Brian asked me to pass this news along…