Can't use WD and Virtual VP

Hi guys…excuse my lack of knowledge , i’m using Virtual VP 1.2.5. on Wxp , Davis 6152 cabled , WD-VWS-WL-Cumulus…
All fine using VWS-WL-Cumulus…no problems…
…when i start WD…it goes ok for some minutes , after that is not receiving data , and after more minutes WS is not receiving data and so on…i use latest version of WD…errors are shown in the screens …many thanks for any info…

so…the most common error when i start WD ( even alone in VP , after some minutes that goes fine )
is " Output buffer too small for block " … just one time i get
" TVirtualVP.ReceiveLoop: Precondition 1 failed"

I have not seen that error here in testing
and I have not seen any other errors reported about that
what settings do you have set in WD, weather station type, davis setup?

thanks for the answer…here are my station settings…is a davis 6152 cabled…just bought one month ago…
, serial data logger…running on a laptop with usb to serial (rs232) driver…windows xp…( i have the same error on 3 pc’s )

Try using tcp/ip for your set-up for WD. See Picture

I’m testing this right now…in the mean time how can i delete this bad data ?. … many thanks…

later edit…i have this error on VP when using WD with ip settings like you showed me…

I see that VVP said that it has heard from and sent to WD
in WD what shows under view,WS2010/WS2500 data setup?

I do not know why you are having this much trouble, as I do not have any other reports of these problems

VVP is conecting well…but after some minutes WD is not receiving any data…as jjmcnelly told me , i change settings in VVP and i putted WD on tcp-ip console…now…for 9 hours it works well , but on VVP Console i have these errors…even if i receive the data perfect…i dont mind about these errors…i just hope all will go well from now one…

Here are the errors again and the settings under view in WD !

if you have set in WD to disconnect the IP data logger, then unset that