Can't use Vue with Weatherdisplay

Hi everyone!
I’m going crazy because Weather Display (last ver) can’t find my new Davis Vue. I have the datalogger connected between a Weather Envoy and a XP machine. Using Weatherlink 5.9 it works fine, but in WD I can’t find the right settings (ports and so on…). I tried all the possibilities, and uninstalled and reinstalled the USBXpress drivers… #-o

Any suggestions? Thanks in advance,


I tried all the possibilities, and uninstalled and reinstalled the USBXpress drivers.
you need to actualy unset the USB data logger out of USBexpress mode using a program that Davis supplies, that you download from the web there is a FAQ about that then a virtual com port will be created, which you will find via task manager, ports, and then set WD to use that

Many thanks Brian!
I’ll try your tips Download fix for Wlink 5.8 setting the data logger to USBExpress mode (no Com)

As soon as I plugged my Vantage Vue into my computers USB port, it said New hardware found, blah, blah, bla, your new hardware is ready to use. I then went to Device Manager in Windows and saw that it was Com Port 8, ticked that in WD and she took right off!

The problem was in baud rate settings. Moving from 19200 to 14400 and again 19200, finally I set 19200 and now works. Strange problem…

make sure the needed baud rate setting is the last one ticked on (for first time use you also need to at least tick to use the default baud rate (19200)