I’ve just upgraded my computer and of course Mojave comes with that. I’d rather be at High Sierra. I had been running B312 but it’s been crashing occasionally where as it hardly ever crashed with High Sierra… I went to the download page and saw B323 for 10.14 so I thought that would be the one use. Didn’t go to the forum and see that was for testing. I’m running Davis Data logger which I wish there was a warning on the download link because it now won’t stay up for much more than a minute. I downloaded B315 but it won’t run at all along with B312 that I had been running before. How can I get rid of B323 so that I can run Weather Display again?
Update. Used Time Machine and was able to get back to B312 and then went to B315. I seem to get the occasional spiral going which maybe why it is occasionaly crashing. Where are the libraries that B323 installed so I can get rid of those? Do the USB drivers need to be updated for Mojave going to Davis Vantage Pro?
the latest version does in fact work with the Davis USB and the driver
you might just need to delete the mac usb driver setting that WD uses
in the wdisplayftp.ini
I don’t need the SiLabsUSBDriverDisk 5.0.4 (version I’m currently running) with Mojave? I’ve got B315 running now. I’ve got to remember about all the .ini files, it’s been running flawlessly for so long it’s been a year or more since I’ve had to mess with it.
Update again I just downloaded SiLabsUSBDriver 5.2.0. Looks like it’s 64 bit. Would this work with B315 32 bit?
the latest version of WD Mac is now 64 bit
and so is the com library WD uses
so possible you need to use the latest 64 bit silicon labs version
I’ve got B315 running. I updated the silicon labs version to 5.2.0. I’m still getting some program crashes. When you said, “you might just need to delete the mac usb driver setting that WD uses in the wdisplayftp.ini” This is what I have now.
mac usb name=/dev/cu.SLAB_USBtoUART
Would I delete the entire entry or have it as mac usb name= then blank?
I want to get B315 working before I venture into B323. That would crash every minute. I hate being forced into OSs that I don’t want to be in . . .
yes, you would blank that out
so that you can then reselect in WD
but crashing on the minute is something different
that sounds like a permission problem instead
check the permissions of WD
and make sure to run as sudo