Cant find clientraw.txt and clientrawextra.txt files

I have just upgraded to 10.10f WD and downloaded WD live. When I try to run the WDLive it just hangs on ‘loading data’ and when I searched I can find no sign of the 2 client.txt files. I have tried restarting the pc and re-downloading Live to no avail. 10.10f WD appears to be working fine with back data etc all displayed ok. Any suggestions?

I spotted the note on page 10 ! of theWD Live instructions, and of course I had downloaded the new WD 10.17 but the old one was still being run when I clicked the icon. Hopefully all will now run ok. Best wishes to all.

you should be OK now…with the new version of wd…but make sure you also use the new clientrawrealtimeftp.exe that comes with 10.17e
(i.e you will need to exit that program before it can be updated/overwritten/replaced)

Thanks for the help, sadly I am still unable to locate the two txt files, what do I have to run or install to get them to appear? or where are the instructions on what to do? The clientrawrealtimeftp.exe progs are there but on clicking do not generate the required txt files. Perhaps you would be kind enough to spell it out for dimmos like me!