Cannot receive data from VP2 console

At 1pm I noticed that my weathersite wasn’t updating, and went to my weather PC which had done a restart for some reason. However, the WD screen was a black background (normally white) and no data was coming in from the Davis VP2 console via the USB datalogger. (I’ve used this since Feb 08 without any real problems).

I updated WD to the latest version… nada… I did a system restore and at least got my WD back to a white background. Weatherlink reports a Davis VP2 station found when testing on the USB, however, I have always thought that WD and the console ‘talked to each other’ via Com Port 3, and I don’t have a Com Port 3, only 1.

I start WD and it tries to download data, but always nothing is forthcoming… and the clock below the date on the WD screen locks up.

I cannot work this one out for myself, and after three hours I need help, please.


John P

If you tested with WL and picked USB the program changed the data logger to USBExpress, no com port. Always pick serial even when you have USB. Now go to the Davis web site and download program to convert back to serial. Then look in Device Manger for the com port number and use the number in WD. Look for Ports and see if you have Silicon Labs CP210x USB to UAT Bridge (com#)

Thanks, Zeppline… I have scoured the Davis site for a ‘convert back to serial’ file and cannot see one.

Any chance of pointing me in the right direction?


John P

Right at the top of the FAQ’s on here. :wink:

That fixed it, Budgie!!!

Ta, ever so! :smiley: