Also, look in the webcam file in the WD program folder (or where ever you are storing the images) and make sure the images are being saved at the time interval you set. It looks like the same image is being saved each time.
You can add the time & temp to the image in the webcamcapture program, under the “Overlay” heading.
V 10.37R Build 03. Does Webcamcapture vers. 9.99 always need to be running? I checked after leaving the webcapture program up and it is now animating. So does the webcamcapture always need to be running?
I did an alt-prt scr of the screens requested but it will not allow me to paste in this message. Any suggestions.
Yes, webcamcapture needs to be running as it’s continually capturing the webcam image, adding the overlay and saving the image to your webcam file.
You don’t have to have to have it on the screen all the time though, if you right click on the webcam icon in the task bar you should seen a “Show” and “Hide”, just click “Hide”.
That worked. Now I would like the jpgwebcam.jpg (static picture) to upload to website. I want to have curent picture (static) upload every minute. Also want lasthour and last day to upload (which both are now). I have an IR camera so I can ‘see’ during the night. How do I get WD to record during the night.
Thank you for all your help. Couple more question. How do I get the all day video to record a full 24 hours. It always seems to start right around sunrise. Also do the time stamp files from the older days (meaning greater than 24 hours ago) do they overwrite or do I have to delete them? Please advise.
Thanks for the help. I must be doing something wrong. My 24 hour video again starts around the sunrise time (6:00 AM ish). I am using the new all day video tab. I did have settings in the old tab and have now elminated those. However I did have checked in the new all day video tab to use this new setup. I have the start hour at 0 and end hour ar 24. What am I missing? Please advise. Thank you.
Have you had a chance to look into this. The video only goes from around sun rise to midnight. I have the start hour at 0 and the end hour 24. Let me know.
Have you had a chance to look into this. The video only goes from around sun rise to midnight. I have the start hour at 0 and the end hour 24. Let me know.
Just updated to 10.37R build 10. My webcam picture is uploading however my hourly and all day movie have stopped uploading. What do I need to check to see why the movies stopped uploading. Please advise.