I am trying to display the five day forecast. Can WD display the five day forecast and if so what setup is required. I am currently downloading Metar data and thought this would be decoded to show the five day. Any Help would be appreciated.
I am trying to display the five day forecast. Can WD display the five day forecast and if so what setup is required. I am currently downloading Metar data and thought this would be decoded to show the five day. Any Help would be appreciated.
yes it can
use this page:
to set up the noaa download in WD to download the forecast file you need
(i.e one that has the noaa 5 day forecast in it)
then click on select that file (i.e that downloaded file (and you can set the ftp download location))
and then when you click on the main screen icon, it will show up
I have everything all set with teh EXCEPTION of displaying forecast5day.gif from weather.html. What needs to be stup to get weather.html to display teh gif. I do get the text version, just not the graphical display.
when you view the 5 day graphic image, setup to upload to your web site
then add some html code to say the datahtm3.txt file to display the gif image
I was able to modify data2html and it worked. I will now embark on building custom web pages.
note that if you want to adjust dataht2.txt instead of datahtm3.txt, you will need to tick let me manage datahtm2.txt in the web files/web page setup