Brian Can you email me Gregs' email address at Anything Weat

Can you email me Gregs’ email address at Anything Weather. I wan’t to see if he can get me back on line. TIA

actualy he has not goten back to me either
but it is the weekend
so maybe wait until the start of the working week
patience greg, LOL

[email protected]

I heard back yesterday from Gregg at AW and I’m now showing up on their system. Guess they just needed to set up my Lat/Lon. Data from May 25 forward is now in their history.

Try contacting Gregg again to see if he can get your account re-established again if he hasn’t already done so.

Thanks Lar,
I sent him an email a couple of days ago but haven’t heard back from him. My station is showing up now but there are so many small circles around Huntsville that mine is covered up and is all but impossible to select. I wish they could spread them out a bit. Oh well at least the data is back but the business’ that were using that data have moved over to Weather Underground anyway. It was simply down too long for some to wait. :frowning: Thanks for the heads up. Greg