I noticed the other day that the bottom half of the home page on my website disappeared. Other pages on the site have the same “bottom page” content, and the content appears on those pages such as this one: http://weatherriorancho.com/wx_dew_points.php
What could cause the bottom of the page to disappear? I haven’t modified that page in ages and nothing should have overridden the previous content.
Would one of the console options to upload replace the potentially hacked or “broken” page?
Looks like you have a nixture of https and http on the page. Browser support for http is going away and mixed https/http pages are frowned upon and/or blocked by some browsers.
That makes me wonder what just “magically” changed. Both Chrome and Mozilla have the same issue. Perhaps that might become an issue at some point, but why did it just happen? I see below it just happened to another user as well.
I don’t think there has been a server change and I certainly didn’t change the page content recently so it is a mystery why this just all of a sudden happened?
I also noticed that the snow data isn’t appearing either…that should appear on the part of the page that is still working?
I also just noticed another anomaly. In the sun/moon section it shows some sunlight info, and then below that it says:
“Date must be before Mon, 13 Nov 2023 02:27:00 -0700”
Honestly, between maps disappearing and all this foolishness, it seems a person needs to be a guru to keep up with the WD changes needed to keep a site working properly.
The person I hired previously to help no longer supports my system and won’t help. When you are operating a site for free it is hard to justify paying for help to keep it running. Started this station in 2007, two states ago, now at my third location and state. I was originally able to maintain things with some help from here, but it seems now you need a Phd in WD to keep a site running and it is very discouraging. There have been other site problems I lived with, but now the site is deteriorating faster than I can fix.
I don’t think it’s a WD issue. I had a look at your footer.php and it’s very busy with various links using http and https which is what Chris the admin suggested.
Maybe backup your current footer.php, and then upload the original that came with the script. If this shows up normally then it may be an issue with your customised footer. I’m no expert by any means but that’s where I would start.
You are running outdated scripts.
Please check which ones have to be updated
There are discussions also on the wx-forum about the updated script.
The arrays with sun/moon rise/set data in the old version was up until Nov 2023.
The latest versions array goes to 2030.
And this says the same out of date scripts
I also see the php are 7.4 or 7.3 which are end of life
You need to get the latest version of the alt dashboard which is 6.95h from
When it was suggested that a mix of html and htmls could be related, I researched it. When the browser doesn’t like the mix, they put up a warning page. That isn’t what is happening. I didn’t find any mention of displaying a partial page as a result of mixed HTML/HTMLS.
I am not blaming WD, or my hosting, or anything in particular. Nothing mentions explains it working one day and not the next if no apparent host or domain change has been made. I am guessing the other persion with the problem would say the same thing.
Would still be nice to know how to enable the debug mode that one person suggested. You would think an error would be generated that would hopefully show why.
I suspect a stock footer might work but that won’t show us why our formerly good footers quit working.
I can’t speak for the other person with the problem, but I do know that the PHP needs to be upgraded, but, it has worked for ages with the current version of PHP.
My server is running CentOS which has an EOL of June. I am debating doing a server replacement, migrating all the domains to a newer server with the replacement OS. If this is PHP related, that might help, but still doesn’t explain why they quit working.
That seems to be suggesting that the request to load part of the page has been blocked due to mixed content…in this case what looks to be a page counter of some kind?
True, but it would at least rule out any issues with the base WD HTML. You could then add the additional elements back one at a time and see when it breaks.
This is where I get further confused. I can assume that many of the PHP files are compatible, but my site is based on the old Burnsville MN script. He quit updating the script and took down his site ages ago. Seems if I just randomly update PHP files I could end up with broken stuff still.
I can see that the one script is related to the November message but that is just a part of the page and not in the footer.
Can you assure me that if I replace those 20 or so PHP files none of them will corrupt something else?
Please understand my trepidation, partly because I relied on someone else for many years now and am dubious of my ability to do what is needed. That is why it seems it is almost easier to take the site down vs. doing something that could make things even worse.
Still trying to find out how to enable debug, if in fact that would show what the main problem is.
Understand the concept, in a former life I was a programmer, but at my age, and having been out of touch for so long, I am just not comfortable trying to do something that is no longer familiar to me. Have reached a point in my life where I know less each day than the previous day and with that loss of ability goes my confidence in taking on new tasks.