Blank data on main screen

I updated my software for WD and on the restart it appears to connect to the data logger, but the data quality is red and nothing except extremes on the main screen show, nothing else appears to connect.

I didn’t change anything, so I am wondering if something became corrupt when I loaded it.

What was the setting for installing another version on the same machine… it was a txt file and it has been so long I can’t recall. I am not real happy… I am sure the problem is mine.

This faq was from 2005 but hopefully still valid.

what shows under view, WS2010/WS2500 data setup
and under view, program event log?

does the data received light flash at all?

the data light flashes but doesn’t advance. The data quality is blank or red. I can’t get it to either connect via com1 or via vplive. I’ve played around with it for a while.

If I go through the guided setup, it goes for a while, returns a temp of 55.5F and I have no idea where that is coming from.

I also noticed that the datalogger setting under setup switches off.

I find that odd.

try starting up with the data logger switch off
i.e just live data only

what shows under view, WS2010/WS2500 data setup

also is the baud rate correct, etc?

Note, I have to take the 8 year old to a soccer game now…

from the ws2010

Loaded all time records
loading the data file month72011.inf
Connecting com port
Com port connected OK

I am running it from com 1 no vp live and no data light, no data…

It is being a beast. I have checked all the settings and it seems that after it goes through the data polling it hangs before doing anything else.

I have tried to set it to read the data directly from the logger on com 1. baud is fine. That doesn’t do anything.

I have changed the setting with vplive and same thing. Uploaded the new version. nothing.

So my next options are do a system restore back to yesterday. it is an XP machine so it might work … or not

Other thoughts have been , since weatherlink works, to set WD to stationless and have hit piggyback on the data from that.

I did download and set to a new file a fresh location of WD and it works to a point… things look good then it reminds me that the trial ended in 2009 and logs me out.

I tried the link and I couldn’t get it to accept the second copy on the machine.

I did a system restore, back 24 hours and it seems to have fixed whatever was wrong. I don’t know if something downloaded and caused a glitch or not, but it did catch up the missing data and was working about 15 min. ago. I’ll wait it out and see what happens.