You may have noticed that I’ve been away from the forum a lot recently. Apart from sorting out server disk corruptions :mumum: , I’ve also been busy with some software and hardware development. I’ve reached the point where I now need some beta testers to help me with the final tweaks prior to making my new hardware and software more generally available.
As you’ll probably know, for the last 4 years Brian has been neglecting his cows on a regular basis to bring the wonder that is Weather Display to thousands of PC screens and web pages across the globe.
What you may not know is that part of my work involves taking part in a ‘think tank’ (ideas generator) at the high tech research establishment where I work. A lot of what we come up with proves to be useless, or at least useless for the purposes that the research establishment was set up for. Sometimes some of the useless ideas prove to be more useful to the staff for ‘extra-curricular’ activities. A number of staff have gone on to make their fortune using thoughts from the ‘useless ideas department’!
So when a couple of interesting sounding useless techniques came to my attention I decided to have a ‘play’ with them in the labs during lunch hours and after work. I’m pleased to say that after months of effort my ‘play time’ has paid off and it’s now possible to push back the Weather Display frontiers even further.
How would you like to influence the weather local to your weather station from anywhere in the world? If you would, you need to find out more about my new hardware and software combination.
What is it?
It’s a fusion of hardware and software. It uses a private Weather Display API, provided exclusively for me by Brian, which allows users of the WD software, or WD web sites, to click on a weather parameter of their choice and adjust the value (within a sensible range). The API has been part of the WD software since v 10.09b, but as nothing else uses it and Brian has been sworn to secrecy no-one knew about it until now. You can check if you have it by looking for the file ib90usb.dll in your WD folder.
Anyway when a weather parameter has been adjusted, the software sends an appropriate command to the Cat5e connected hardware. The hardware then uses a variety of techniques to change the local weather conditions.
How does it work?
As described above the software interfaces to a Cat5e Ethernet hardware device. As you’d imagine, the software was the easy bit. The hard part was creating a device which could sufficiently affect local weather conditions. Using some of the useless ideas from the think tank (plus the useful items of equipment that you find in a
Chris how did you handle the fermions’ (Baryons in particular) own graviton released during the collison of the free neutrons and the antipions? I thought Satyendranauth Bose’s own work, in additon with Subrahmanyan Chandrasekhar work on black holes, showed that bosons would exist for a 1/ 1 x 10^ -17 sec before falling back into a more stable quantom state, just as this w-boson does below?
The graviton emission problem was what first attracted me to this. Without giving too much of the technology away, we were discussing the potential interaction between the Z0+ boson and the ‘mystery meson’ that you may have heard of recently. We decided that as both existed for such small periods of time it was unlikely that they would ever normally interact in a useful way.
Our discussions wandered off onto other thoughts, but my mind kept on straying back to the question of interactions. I went to the lab to do some experiments and found that, like another famous scientist in the past, that when held in a strong Brownian motion field the Z0+ boson and the mystery meson could be made to interact. Indeed it went further than that…the mystery meson kept the Z0+ boson stable and the Z0+ boson kept the mystery meson stable for long periods of time.
This effect is one of the important parts of the hardware design. The unit actually generates trillions of mystery mesons and Z0+ bosons per pico second. If the unit is not adjusting atmospheric pressure these are left to decompose on their own. If the unit is adjusting the pressure it either uses the special ejector tube to combine the mystery mesons with the Z0+ atmospheric bosons and remove the pressure effect. Similarly the ejector can eject more Z0+ bosons to raise the pressure effect.
I don’t think I’ve given too much of the design away. I guess most people don’t have a suitable particle accelerator available to start the experimentation process!
Dang Chris,
You [b]obviously[/b] have wayyyyyy to much time on your hands to have set and typed all that BS in.
Ditto. gr beat me to it.
Then again, I’m almost sure that I’ve seen this device in a James Bond movie.
Is this where the idea came from?
Mad scientist’s voluptuous daughter kidnapped until completion,
befriended by 007 … bedroom scene, she says
"Oh, James it’s so… the whole place blows up. THE END
All I know is that I am going to start my own experiements tomorrow on small particle accelerator. May not be as big as Chris’s, but it will get the work done. Going to talk to my physics prof, to see when I can use it :silly:
I drive over one twice a day, maybe they would let me borrow it?
I don't see why not. The best part would be, if you discovered a new particle. I would have a great desire to call it something very dumb. I am thinking the "titmouse". he he, I can't say that without laughing. :D
Dang Chris,
You [b]oboviously[/b] have wayyyyyy to much time on your hands to have set and typed all that BS in.
I guess you don’t want to be a beta tester? Perhaps I should get a buggy one shipped to someone else in Alabama to prove to you how well it works? What do you fancy? A localised 400 mph hurricane? A sudden downpour of 10ft of rain in 3 hours? Let me know so that I can program something suitable.