New to the whole weather station at home setup and would like some input where it would be best to mount my weather station that should be here by Monday (ECOWITT1101).
From ecowitt it has some parameters but we live rurally so have lots of trees and shrubs around us.
I was thinking this location on the roof. I have an old antenna pole that is not used anymore. Would this be a good spot? My only concern is the chimney
It looks like the ECOWITT GW1101 ( GW1101 Wi-Fi Weather Station Gateway with Solar Powered 7-in-1 Outdoor – Ecowitt) is an “all-in-one” unit, meaning the wind sensors are not separate from the temperature, humidity, and rain gauge. This make siting more of an issue since the ideal height of the wind sensors is 10 m (33 ft) and the other sensors is about 1.5 m (5 ft). If you want the most accurate wind measurements, then the roof location looks good but if the temp, RH, and rain are more important, then a spot closer to the ground would be more appealing. Here’s a link to the Citizen Weather Observer Program (CWOP) Weather Station Siting, Performance, and Data Quality Guide from my website: Pressure (
Finding a good spot to locate a weather station is always a challenge and a compromise unless you have several acres of open field!
I have a Davis VP2 and I can only get the separate wind sensor about 15 ft high and it’s partially blocked to the east by a 25 ft tall tree.
Thank you novawx. We do own quite a bit of land around the main house (around 3 acres) so might then just plant a pole in the open and mount it. But yes, the wind is more important to me at this stage
A 10 foot 4x4 pressure treated post put into a 4 foot hole leaving 6 feet of exposed post works well. You can mount the ISS near the top of the post and mount the antenna pole to the post. I used that setup when I lived in Florida. The wind sensors were about 15 feet off the ground.