Barometer Steelseries gauge

Hi all I have setup steelseries gauges using weathercat software.
The Barometer gauge is not working though…
It actually loads the graphs correctly when hovering over gauge.
The other gauges seem fine.
I include a weathercat realtime .txt file…the values look correct to me.
Can someone maybe point me in the right direction to fix this issue ?
Leon Rossouw.

realtimegaugesWC.txt (1.9 KB)

The pressure graph did indeed seem to be working, although it seems to have been flat-lining for the last hour or two?

However, the graph text also shows that your max and min pressures today were both 1 hPa, and I presume that the gauge autoscaling can not cope with these impossibly low values.

I see that the realtime.txt file shows the pressure with a space after the thousands digit - 1 030,8 instead of 1030,8:

"press":"1 030,8",
"pressTL":"1 028,4",
"pressTH":"1 032,7",
"pressH":"1 037,1",

I wonder if this confuses the gauge readings?

Is there any way to get WeatherCat to provide the variables “STAT$PRESSURE:xxx$” without the space in realtimegaugesWC.txt?

Thank you that is most probably the cause…how can I fix that ?…take that space away ?

I managed to get it working :smiley:
In Weathercat itself I change the Pressure units to mm Hg
It now loads the gauge and I can still read it in hPa

That seems like a good work-around! But the total gauge range 900-1040 hPa is very high. These are the recommended figures in lines 119-124 of graphs.js in my earlier version of the gauges:

            baroScaleDefMinhPa    : 990,
            baroScaleDefMaxhPa    : 1030,
            baroScaleDefMinkPa    : 99,
            baroScaleDefMaxkPa    : 103,
            baroScaleDefMininHg   : 29.2,
            baroScaleDefMaxinHg   : 30.4,

And the graph shows inHg instead of hPa. . .

I am not familiar with WeatherCat, so I hope someone else can help you find a better solution.

Thank you…much appreciated. I will replace the default baro values…I was tinkering with them in an earlier attempt to rectify my problem.
Do you perhaps know if there is a way I can change the script at the top…the part that shows forecast and update time scrolling.


Are you still uploading pressure in inHg or have you got it working in hPa?

Do you perhaps know if there is a way I can change the script at the top...the part that shows forecast and update time scrolling.

I don’t use the statusScroller at all, I just deleted it from gauges-ss-basic.htm, but you can change the statusTimer realtimeInterval in graphs.js about line 40. See

LATER EDIT: Decided to resurrect the scroller and delete the timer instead :slight_smile:

There were some posts on the WeatherCat forum some months(?) ago (from memory), where a release of WC starting using the System number formatting in data files which caused all sorts of issues. There was fix posted but I cannot recall what it was. One option of course is to change your number format in the Mac system systems to remove the space.

Thank you will check those posts :smiley:

IIRC there is a new entry you have to add as the first thing in the file. Then WC does not write that entry to the output file, but then writes all numbers for the rest of the file in a machine readable format.

I had a look at the WeatherCat website WeatherCat which shows that the problem should have been fixed in version 3.1.1 - see attachment. Version 3.1.2 is also available.

Seems that Mark’s suggestion would do the trick, too:

LATER EDIT: Just noticed that your gauges page and the realtime.txt you posted say you are running V3.12, Build 34?

This thread details the command you have to put at the start of the data file… Steel Gauges

Thank you everyone for your generous advice.
I have solved the problem by changing the system preferences in my mac…see attached screen-shots.
Barometric pressure gauge now loading correctly in Hpa and graph showing in Hpa :smiley:


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