Why does the barometer report everything in inHg except the “Currrent” is reported in hPa? is this something I can change in the script?
Does this help?
Selected unit already appears in block title, and changes if a visitor changes units.
That is why I have also taken the rain units out of my rain block “bucket”: they are in the block title.
You yourself are using imperial (aka english) units. So temp => F, wind => MPH, pressure => inHg rain => inches a.s.o.
All units are as you want them to be.
As an extra for other visitors, the blocks for temp, wind and pressure, display the most important = current value also in the opposite unit = metric units. Then those visitors do not have to press the big orange C at the top right to see it.
What exactly do you want to be different from what it is now?
Yes, that explains quite bit, thank you!
Thanks Wim, now I understand that it is an intentional use for the display, Nothing else needed, will marked this as closed.