Banner Request

Is this still available? If so I would like to have a banner made for my new site.


What size banner do you want, anything in particular you want on the banner, what wording and any dominating colors?
Or I can just come up with something and see if you like it. :wink:


I would like to incorporate the sat image of Cape Cod that I have on my site now. I’m terrible at any kind of art. Am using the Alt dashboard in wide mode and I have the original satellite pic if that would help. I trust your abilities after all I have see of your work! thanks, Martin.


Yep, if you can post the sat image on here then I can use that for the background.
The standard width is normally 800 pixels, which is what you have now, but I can make it wider, taller, thinner or shorter if you want. :wink:

Do you just want “” on the banner or something like:

Harwich Weather
North Harwich, Cape Cod MA

Image attached. 800 pixels is fine, maybe pushed to the right with some clouds/lightning to the left? Or centered with something either side to fill in? I’m bad at designing things, so I’ll leave that up to you. I just used paint to put the text over the image, that’s the extent of my ability. :wink:

Thanks for this!

edit: Harwich Weather would be fine

Here you are Stan, see what you think of this one and let me know if you want anything altered.


Nice Martin. I like the wave. Can we omit the North Harwich, etc? Maybe a fancier, little bit transparent font, maybe a sand color for Harwich Weather? Can you tell me the hex color you used in the wave area so I can match my background. Where Im using wide screen, it would be nice to blend in. Nice work and thanks.


Try this one, the text isn’t transparent but it’s more fancy. :wink:
The problem is, if I make it sandy color and transparent then it’ll be had to see with the background, and you want the name of your site to stand out on a banner.

The background HEX is #013578.


Love it, Martin! thanks so much. :smiley:

Here’s an update as I wasn’t happy with the text on the last one, it look a but blurry. :wink: