Bad Gateway

When downloading the data via, I get a bad gateway error. I tried connecting directly via the web browser, and this says the same.

I assume there is someting wrong with the server?



Hi Koen,

I have sometimes the same problem.
At the end of the url block (in this case Metar) you can click and the url will change. Then click on the url to confirm the change.
Then try again and there is a good chance that the error has disappeared.

Goog luck.


Seems to be folder that’s at fault as both METAR & SYNOP are throwing the bad gateway error at the moment.

If it is trying to obtain the information from the College of DuPage site, that entire domain is currently down…

Yep, just spotted the same thing when Digital Atmosphere ran. The links from the Collage of DuPage are down.

I swapped DA to download from Northern Illinois Uni and those links are good, unfortunately we can’t do the same for WXSim. :frowning:

Could you add the following links for METAR, SYNOP & ROAB to the next update of WXSIMATE in case this happens again?
SYNOP: Index of /digatmos/syn
ROAB: Index of /digatmos/upa

Hi Budgie,

This is also in the WxSim list:

I switched to that, and it worked fine. At the College of DuPage, I looked at, and their domain name expired on July 31st. This is why they are down.


It works for the METAR, John, but not SYNOP as there’s only the one URL (that I can find), so the error shows when it gets to the SYNOP download.
ROAB has a second URL option but nothing wrong with a third option for upper air data.

Now, here’s a strange thing; I’ve just done a search on Collage of DuPage and the links from Google sent me to a HTTPS site that’s working, as is the digatmos folder: Index of /digatmos
Maybe it they’ve just switched from HTTP to HTTPS this weekend and that’s all that needs updating?

Update: The CoD Weather Data Twitter feed has a number of posts over the last 24 hours about website/I.T problems, so looks like this is the problem.

I forgot about the SYNOP.

Really weird. I just tried both and and they both returned connection reset, could not connect.

Here is what says about the domain:

See my “Update” above. :wink:

Thanks, Budgie!!!

Edit: Read the Twitter posts. Glad I’m not in their IT Dept. at the present time. School has either just started or been in session for a week or so there.

Edit 2: Sent them a Tweet on their domain name expiration.

Just tried the WXSIMATE downloads twice and all data downloaded without issue both times, including METAR, buoy, SYNOP and RAOB.

James B

Website is back up.

I sometimes get that error for my weather page. I think it was because WD was uploading files at the time the page loaded

Not quite the same thing, but an easy fix in your case:

Go to Control Panel > FTP & Connections > Connections > bottom left corner of the window is a tick box for “Rename the file on the server after upload”.
Tick the box and it will upload the files as .tmp and then the server will rename them, this stops the errors when files are in the middle of being uploaded when the page loads. :wink:


Still getting the same error :frowning: … Any ideas please?


FYI: The College of DuPage website is still down. Those using the site for SYNOP are going to be out of luck until this gets resolved or Tom chimes in and is able to find another source for that.

I also had the SYNOP gateway issue this morning.


There’s been more issues with the website today, according to their Twitter feed.
A post 18 minutes before I posted this says it’s been restored and data is available again.

I just tested WXSIMATE using most or all of the links, with no problems. Maybe it was a temporary problem with the COD site? Are any of you still seeing problems?


Well almost… :roll:

While trying to get the updated data (at 19:30 PST), WXSIMATE encountered the following problem while ‘Searching for OZONE from KNMI/ESA’: ‘The ozone data source is apparently not available at the moment.’ :?

I tried a few times with the same negative results - I will try again at a later time. :frowning: