Average temp over time span in the past?


I would like to know for example my average temperature from October 1st to April 1st, calculated for every year in the past I have recorded, therefore for the last three years either.

Or the average temperature in that time period only at night times.

How to do that?

I only found out how to calculate it until today, but not for a period in the past!


you can do some of that
view, averages/extreme, av. over time span…
then you can set the start and end tmes

Sorry, bit I can

ok, i will have to allow a start and end date, instead of just a certain day

That would be great, thank you!


i have added this to version 10.15o
and tested, and it seems to work OK


thank you!

WIthin one month it seems to calculate it ok.

But over some months or over a year it seems not to be good!


i see what you mean
I had only tested for a day starting last month…(make sure you select the day)
but for a day starting 2 months ago, na na

i will investigate and fix soon

i see whats wrong now
uploading a fresh 10.15o version now

Got the new zipped version now, but still those miscalculated averages, if the time span goes from one month to another…


ok,working great now in 10.15p
will upload soon